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27 December, 202411:56

One month has passed from 28 November 2024, since then, Georgia has become covered with a large-scale legitimate protest. The protests are taking place every day in Tbilisi and other cities of Georgia. The legitimate protest has been sparked by the suspension of the EU accession negotiations by the “Georgian Dream”. In addition, these protests also represent a continuation of previous protests, held throughout different periods of 2024, regarding the elections and, generally, the backsliding of democracy in Georgia and the sharp deterioration of the human rights situation.

Despite the fact that the demonstrations are peaceful, the protests have been arbitrarily and violently dispersed by the police forces. Among other repressive methods the authorities have actively used torture, inhumane and degrading treatment.

Since April 2024, authorities have consistently used police violence, intimidation, and other practices that violate both national and international human rights laws. However, since 28 November 2024, tactics for suppressing peaceful, legitimate protests have escalated to a new level of severity.

Since 28 November 2024, the scale and coordination of the violence confirm that a criminal operation against the civil engagement is taking place. Following developments have taken place:

- Torture; inhuman; degrading treatment of a large group of demonstrators and media representatives; the absolute majority of the arrested people have been beaten.

- Violation of not only the rules for employing active special means (water cannons, tear gas, pepper spray), but also using them in ways that pose significant risks to life and health;

- Attacks by informal criminal groups against demonstrators and media representatives;

- Targeted persecution of media representatives, in some cases leading to injuries and necessary hospitalization;

- Unlawful arrests under administrative offences (up to 500 individuals were affected by arbitrary arrests);

- Unlawful search of citizens in public places, Search and seizure operations in private residences/offices;

- Applying criminal law mechanisms against the demonstrators (up to 40 individuals are arrested);

- Threats against public servants – in addition to the physical violence, the Government attempts to suppress freedom of expression of public servants through direct or indirect threats regarding their dismissal and calls for their resignation;

- Amending the legislation to target individuals with different opinions, particularly, amendments have been made to the following Laws: the Law of Georgia on Public Service; the Law on Assemblies and Demonstrations; the Law on Police; the Administrative Offences Code.

- The ineffectiveness of the investigations into violence during the current protests, as well as those in April-May 2024 and March 2023, remains a significant challenge.