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26 October, 202416:57

As part of its Election Day monitoring of the 2024 parliamentary elections, GYLA presents information as of 21:00. Based on reports from GYLA observers, we provide data on the closing of polling stations, the commencement of the vote-counting procedure, and trends observed during the second half of Election Day at polling stations and in their surrounding areas.

As of 21:00, the election process continued to be marked by significant violations. Between 15:00 and 20:00, GYLA’s mission identified instances of violations of vote secrecy, physical violence and threats, interference with the work of observers and journalists, incidents of campaigning, and issues related to the use of electronic technologies.

At this stage, GYLA's observers have recorded approximately 300 instances of irregularities in total. Of these, they reported 44 violations within the electoral precinct perimeter, made 51 notes in the log book, filed 37 complaints with the precint electoral commission, and submitted 21 complaints to the district electoral commission.

Voter tracking and large gatherings of citizens within precincts and the 100-meter perimeter outside them have continued.

Throughout the day, negative attitudes toward GYLA's observers persisted. At Marneuli’s 4th precinct, GYLA employee/observer Giorgi Gotsiridze was physically attacked by a commission member within the precinct and by an unknown individual outside. Prior to the physical assault, Giorgi Gotsiridze received threats while documenting violations at the precinct. We urge the Prosecutor’s Office of Georgia to take immediate action in response to this incident.

Throughout the day, aggression and a hostile environment towards media representatives were observed from violent groups mobilized at electoral precincts and from precinct members. Instances of insults, obstruction of professional activities, and physical violence were reported, on which GYLA issued a separate statement.

GYLA also documented several instances of physical confrontations and quarrels, which may constitute multiple criminal offenses under the Criminal Code, including possible interference with free expression of will in the elections; acts of violence or threats of violence within the polling station, at the location of the electoral commission, or in nearby areas, or during pre-election campaigning or events; influence over voters’ decisions and/or breaches of ballot secrecy; and unlawful obstruction of journalists' professional activities.

GYLA will present a final summary of Election Day events to the public tomorrow at 11:00 a.m.