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29 November, 202421:16

The Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIA) is once again attempting to suppress legitimate protests in Tbilisi and Batumi through demonstrative violence. As of 00:57, the police are violently dispersing a peaceful demonstration on Rustaveli Avenue using water cannons and gas. Peaceful citizens are being targeted with violence, including being chased, detained without reason, physically abused, and subjected to special means without legal justification or adherence to the rules of their use.

From 23:03, water cannons were deployed without warning on Chitadze Street and have continued to be used intermittently on protesters, including on Chichinadze Street. According to both participants and journalists, the water cannons are allegedly mixed with chemical substances, clearly constituting inappropriate treatment of peaceful demonstrators.

In a further violation of rules and without legal grounds, a rubber bullet was fired at Saba Brachveli, an employee of the Civil Society Foundation, injuring him in the face near his eye. Starting at 23:44, special forces began to target demonstrators on Chichinadze and Chitadze Streets with violent detentions. Media footage reveals physical violence against those detained by law enforcement.

During these violent detentions on Chitadze Street, TV Pirveli journalist Mariam Gaprindashvili was injured and is currently being transported to a clinic. In another incident, lawyer Beka Basilaia was detained while broadcasting live.

The police are also violently detaining participants of peaceful demonstrations in Batumi. Moreover, MIA officers are threatening and verbally abusing both demonstrators and journalists.

It is evident that the actions taken by the MIA are aimed at retribution against protest participants and serve to suppress legitimate, peaceful protests through repressive measures. The deliberate

targeting of activists and journalists by police forces not only punishes these individuals but also seeks to silence critical voices and instill fear in society.