Since 2:38 AM, the situation on Rustaveli Avenue has become increasingly tense. Representatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are employing active special measures against legitimate protest participants in a manner that poses significant risks to their safety. These include the use of water cannons mixed with pepper spray, as well as unidentified gunmen visible in footage firing certain capsules. The Ministry of Internal Affairs has yet to provide an explanation regarding the nature or purpose of these means.
It is important to note that the prohibition on the simultaneous or parallel use of such measures was recently amended and abolished by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, ostensibly to provide formal legal grounds for dispersal tactics that are fundamentally incompatible with human rights standards.
Simultaneously, there are ongoing practices of unlawful administrative detention and physical punishment of demonstrators.
The widespread use of violence and the frequency of these actions strongly suggest that special forces are executing an illegal, generalized directive aimed at punishing protest participants for exercising their civil rights and expressing their opinions.