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26 October, 2024

As part of its monitoring of the voting day in Georgia’s 2024 parliamentary elections, GYLA presents the main trends observed by 15:00. Based on information from GYLA’s observers, we provide an overview of the electoral environment and reported violations observed at electoral precincts and surrounding areas during the voting process.

As of 15:00, the electoral process continues with notable violations. Instances include breaches of voter secrecy, obstruction of observers and media in carrying out their duties, and campaigning at precincts, undermining principles of fair and secure elections.

By this stage, GYLA’s observers have recorded a total of 27 notes in the log books, 23 complaints filed with precinct election commissions, and 11 with district election commissions.

At precincts and surrounding perimeters, voter registration activities persist. According to a GYLA observer, marked individuals have been transported to precinct 34 in Batumi by minibus.

Voting Process Violations

At precinct 43 in Kutaisi, voters were not fully informed of the procedures for completing ballots. Several instances were noted where voters placed blank ballots into the vote-counting machine.

At precinct 27 in the Vake district, a voter was provided a new ballot after their initial ballot became jammed in the vote-counting machine, allowing them to vote twice with a new ballot. However, technical personnel later confirmed that the machine had already counted the initial ballot as well.

At precinct 5 in Sachkhere, a voter was denied the chance to replace a mis-stamped ballot; the precinct chair refused to issue a new one and instead placed the ballot in the machine themselves.

A number of incidents involving violations of voter secrecy were reported. At precinct 12 in Marneuli, a commission member positioned themselves near the voting booth, attempting to observe the voter's choice, while a local assembly majoritarian deputy, rather than the designated flow monitor, was stationed in that spot. GYLA has filed a complaint requesting the closure and annulment of the voting process at this precinct. At precincts 22 and 32 in Marneuli and Tsalka, several people entered the voting booth at the same time on multiple occasions. A Saburtalo district precinct representative photographed a voter’s ballot at precinct 81. At a precinct in Kutaisi, water leakage damaged the vote-counting machine, leading to operational issues. The machine cannot accept ballots that are turned over, resulting in voters casting ballots with the marked circle visible.

Violations in Mobile Ballot Box Voting

At precinct 29 in Telavi, unauthorized individuals accompanied the mobile ballot box, instead of those selected by lot. Contact with these individuals has not yet been possible.

In the Saburtalo district at precinct 73, the mobile ballot box returned unsealed, after which the commission invalidated it.

Following the return of the mobile ballot box at precinct 63 in Gldani, one fewer ballot than the unused ballots was found.

The Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture misused administrative resources, as the Minister shared information on social media about casting their ballot at an electoral precinct.

Incidents of Verbal Abuse and Threats Toward GYLA Observers

GYLA’s mission continues to document incidents of verbal abuse and threats against its observers at electoral precincts. At the perimeter surrounding precinct 45 in Batumi, a member of the “Georgian Dream” party’s campaign office threatened a GYLA observer. At precinct 15 in Nadzaladevi, a person, allegedly holding voter lists, verbally abused a GYLA observer. Precinct representatives at Saburtalo’s precinct 81 refused to register a complaint from a GYLA observer and expelled them from the precinct. In Kobuleti precinct 45, “Georgian Dream” supporters threatened a GYLA observer with the use of physical force. At precinct 37 in Batumi, an observer was prohibited from taking photos or videos. At precincts 6 and 11 in Isani, GYLA observers were denied permission to photograph the log book. Additionally, a complaint at precinct 48 in Gardabani remains unregistered.

Incidents Suggesting Criminal Offenses

Public sources have reported several incidents that may constitute criminal offenses. Notably:

An unknown individual entered precinct 23 in Baghdati, damaging primary ballot boxes and vote-counting machines, seemingly obstructing the election commission’s work, which is subject to criminal penalties.

At precinct 69 in Marneuli, it appears that ballots were forcefully inserted into the ballot box, along with physical violence exerted on an observer. These acts potentially constitute obstruction and violence against election officials.

Incidents of physical violence (in some cases group violence) against observers and/or opposition representatives occurred at the precincts and surrounding areas of precinct 74 in Marneuli, 11 in Akhmeta-Matani, 22 in Gori, 9 in Isani, and 74 in Qizilajlo. The incidents contain elements potentially constituting criminally punishable actions, specifically involving acts of violence or

threats of violence within the polling premises, at election commission locations or their vicinity, or during pre-election campaigning or campaign events (in some cases committed in groups).

An attempt at physical assault and threats against an opposition representative occurred at precinct 84 in Gori.

At precinct 33 in Gardabani, incidents of influencing voter choice and breaching voting secrecy were observed. Information suggests multiple individuals hovered around a voter, directing them to mark the circle next to a specific party.

Violations Against Media Representatives

Incidents of hostility and aggression toward media representatives from precinct activists and members were observed.

Cases of violence against media representatives also occurred. Journalist Giga Gelkhvidze was assaulted at precinct 2 in Kutaisi after discovering individuals with voter lists on site.

In Kvemo Khodasheni, Telavi district, members of a “TV Pirveli” filming crew were attacked after documenting voter intimidation and bribery. The operator was beaten, and the television equipment was destroyed.

GYLA calls on investigative bodies to respond promptly and effectively to acts of violence against journalists and to ensure the safety of media representatives covering election day.

Violations Reported Through the Hotline

Citizens have actively contacted GYLA’s hotline to report violations. Reported incidents include:

Selective transportation of voters to precincts from villages in the Abasha district.

A mobile ballot box was found abandoned on Sarkineti Street in Tbilisi without any commission members present, though ballots were inside.

At precincts 9 and 10 in Isani, citizens observed recording the attendance of voters at the precincts, as well as the presence of unauthorized individuals.

Violations of the 100-meter radius legislative requirement were observed at precincts in the town and village of Zhinvali, Dusheti district, with gathered individuals attempting to ascertain voters' choices.

GYLA's Election Day Observation Mission

On 26 October 2024, GYLA is observing the parliamentary elections across 55 municipalities and 64 electoral districts within Georgia, as well as in 15 countries abroad, with approximately 650 observers. GYLA's observation mission covers over 1,500 electoral precincts, which constitutes about half of all precincts nationwide.

At each electoral precinct, GYLA is represented by both stationary and mobile observers. These observers monitor the electoral process from the opening of the precincts and will remain on-site until the summary protocols of the election results are finalized. Additionally, GYLA observers in 30 districts will monitor the procedures for receiving documentation from various precincts at district centers throughout the night. Furthermore, GYLA’s mission will examine the summary protocols from all 3,111 precincts, encompassing precincts within Georgia as well as those abroad.

The mission operates with the support of seven regional and one central headquarters, which coordinate GYLA's observation mission across the entire country.

GYLA’s Election Day Hotline

On election day, GYLA’s central headquarters will operate a hotline at +995 577 07 05 67. Through this number, any citizen can receive consultations on electoral procedures and report any observed violations. Reports on violations can also be submitted via email at

Election Day Press Conferences

On election day, GYLA will hold three press conferences to assess the progress of the elections:

- 11:00 a.m.

- 3:00 p.m.

- 9:00 p.m.

GYLA will provide an assessment of election day on 27 October.

Contact Person

Levan Katamadze Public Relations and Communications Manager


Tel: +995 577 07 05 00