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26 October, 2024

Violations Identified by GYLA’s Observation Mission as of 11:00 a.m.

GYLA informs the public about the main trends observed in the election process as of 11:00 a.m., within the framework of monitoring election day for the 2024 parliamentary elections in Georgia. GYLA observers have monitored the opening, preparation, commencement, and operation of voting at electoral precincts, as well as the situation in the surrounding perimeter.

The election processes on 26 October began with significant violations.

Irregularities Related to the Opening of Electoral Precincts

At 6:45 a.m., some of the electoral precincts selected by GYLA for observation had not been opened for preparation. In several precincts within the Nadzaladevi, Krtsanisi, and Saburtalo districts, opening procedures had already begun by that time, with electronic devices activated in certain cases. During this period, instances of both non-performance and arbitrary role exchanges were identified. Specifically, in one case, the secretary did not show up, while in another, the chairperson left the precinct and had not returned as of this time.

According to GYLA observers, several precincts opened late by 8:00 a.m., resulting in a delayed start to the voting process.

Violations Identified During the Voting Process: Instances of device malfunctions and breaches of ballot secrecy were observed during the voting process. Specifically:

At Precinct No. 27 in the Rustavi district, a registrar showed voters a paper with the circle next to the number 41 filled in and instructed voters to mark their ballots in the same manner.

Significant issues were noted with the proper functioning of electronic devices and the incorrect use of verification devices by registrars. Registrars were improperly scanning ID cards, leading to the need for manual data entry. At Precinct No. 3 in Ninotsminda, a voter approached one of the registrars, causing the device to emit a special signal, while a second device did not emit a similar signal, after which the voter completed the registration process.

According to GYLA observers, at Precinct No. 35 in Marneuli, an individual, allegedly a representative of "Georgian Dream," voted twice.

Instances of issuing two ballots to a single voter were identified at the following precincts: No. 13 in Gldani, No. 41 in Isani, No. 5 in Tsalenjikha, and No. 13 in both Kutaisi and Poti.

At Precinct No. 27 in the Didube district, an individual with authorized access to the precinct was standing behind registrars, recording voters' personal data. Following GYLA's intervention, this violation was addressed.

The instances of interference with GYLA observers' activities were reported

At Precinct No. 66 in the Vake district, a GYLA observer was initially denied entry due to the lack of a wet stamp on their observer certificate. Following communication with the District Election Commission, the observer was allowed entry. At Precinct No. 21 in Krtsanisi, the observer was restricted from observing freely and moving around the precinct. At Precinct No. 3 in Lagodekhi, the observer was not allowed to record a note in the polling day log-book. At Precinct No. 3 in Khoni, the observer was denied permission to photograph the zero excerpt issued by the electronic device. At Precinct No. 55 in Samgori, the observer was compelled, against their will, to participate in the lot-drawing process for individuals accompanying the mobile ballot box. At Precinct No. 49 in the Kutaisi district, the commission chair displayed particular aggression towards the GYLA observer, preventing free observation, which ultimately led to the observer being expelled from the precinct.

Video cameras have been installed in the electoral precincts by the "Georgian Dream" party.

Violations Observed in the Perimeter

The trend of coordinators gathering people within 100 meters of electoral precincts continues from previous years. According to a GYLA observer, within a 25-meter radius of Precinct No. 21 in Ponichala, campaign materials for the "Georgian Dream" party are displayed. The GYLA observer reported this violation to the Ministry of Internal Affairs for action, but it was not fully resolved. A similar incident was observed near Precinct No. 1 in Chokhatauri.

Procedural Violations in Overseas Precincts

In overseas precincts, mainly procedural violations were identified. Specifically, in the precinct in Finland, the drawing of lots took place on the day of voting, while in Bratislava, the ballot boxes were sealed in advance. Precincts in Vilnius, Munich, Madrid, and Prague opened late.

By 10:00 a.m., GYLA observers recorded 15 notes in the record book, 11 complaints were submitted to the Precinct Election Commission, and 4 complaints were filed with the District Election Commission.

GYLA's Election Day Observation Mission

On 26 October 2024, GYLA is observing the parliamentary elections across 55 municipalities and 64 electoral districts within Georgia, as well as in 15 countries abroad, with approximately 650 3 observers. GYLA's observation mission covers over 1,500 electoral precincts, which constitutes about half of all precincts nationwide.

At each electoral precinct, GYLA is represented by both stationary and mobile observers. These observers monitor the electoral process from the opening of the precincts and will remain on-site until the summary protocols of the election results are finalized. Additionally, GYLA observers in 30 districts will monitor the procedures for receiving documentation from various precincts at district centers throughout the night. Furthermore, GYLA’s mission will examine the summary protocols from all 3,111 precincts, encompassing precincts within Georgia as well as those abroad.

The mission operates with the support of seven regional and one central headquarters, which coordinate GYLA's observation mission across the entire country.

GYLA’s Election Day Hotline

On election day, GYLA’s central headquarters will operate a hotline at +995 577 07 05 67. Through this number, any citizen can receive consultations on electoral procedures and report any observed violations. Reports on violations can also be submitted via email at

Election Day Press Conferences

On election day, GYLA will hold three press conferences to assess the progress of the elections:

- 11:00 a.m.

- 3:00 p.m.

- 9:00 p.m.

GYLA will provide an assessment of election day on 27 October.

Contact Person

Levan Katamadze

Public Relations and Communications Manager

Email: T

el: +995 577 07 05 00