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02 October, 202111:35

Georgian Young Lawyers’ Association within the framework of the Short-term Observation (STO) Mission provides public with the information about the observation results of the October 2 elections as of 10 AM.

The information provided by GYLA’s observers mainly cover issues related to the arrangement and opening of the polling stations, beginning of the voting procedure as well as the events happening inside the polling stations and nearby perimeter.

According to the GYLA’s observers, at almost all precincts, the polling procedures started on time without significant irregularities. Nevertheless, our mission identified violations regarding the rules of casting lots, voting procedure, and campaigning.

GYLA has so far submitted 8 complaints on 6 cases which are as follows:

  • The Chairman of the Georgian Parliament, Kakhaber Kutchava, as confirmed by the photo/video footage distributed by the media, was wearing a face mask with the symbol of the Georgian Dream at the polling station.
  • At Akhalkalaki #40 and Kutaisi #90 precincts, the functions were distributed between the commission members in violation of the law.
  • At Marneuli #59 precinct, the registrar and the commission member carrying a mobile polling box exchanged their functions arbitrarily. The observer called on the chairman of the commission to intervene, however, the latter refused.
  • At Gldani #92 polling station, the registrar of voters tore off the ballot paper in such a way that the number and name of the polling station were not visible, which eventually will result in the invalidation of the ballot paper when the votes are counted;
  • At Batumi #98 polling station, the voter, who was not registered in the unified list of voters, was marked.

GYLA identified the problems concerning the control over the will of voters inside the polling stations as well as in the nearby area. There is a tendency observed at several precincts, that a representative of the Georgian Dream party is standing behind the commission member responsible for regulation of the flow of voters and is recording data about the voters. In other cases, the commission member responsible for regulation of the flow of voters declares the names of the voters loudly.

GYLA observers had to call the law enforcement in order to cease recording the data of voters and to remove the agitation material at the perimeter of some polling stations.

In addition to that, GYLA observers identified the violations, which were corrected after making remarks on errors. For example, an improper arrangement of the polling station, presence of the unauthorized person at the precinct, technical shortcomings during electronic voting, technical mistakes in filling the control sheet and putting it in the box, the disorganized environment at the polling station, interference in the activities of the commission.

Georgian Young Lawyers’ Association Short-Term Observation (STO) Mission on October 2 Local Self-Government Elections consists of 350 observers in distinct and precinct election commissions in 10 municipalities of 8 regions across the country.

On Election Day GYLA operates a hotline number for the citizens which enables them to receive legal consultations as well as any information regarding electoral procedures, violations on the polling day, and the ways of responding to them.

The hotline number is: 577 36 15 20

GYLA will hold three press conferences regarding the process of Election Day observation at the NGO Media Center during the day. The press conferences will be held at 11:00, 16:00, and 21:00. On October 3, GYLA will finalize its observation findings at 12 PM.

GYLA’s monitoring mission on the voting day of the Local-self Government elections was made possible with the funding of the British Embassy. The opinions expressed in the statement are those of the Georgian Young Lawyers’ Association and its content may not express the views of the donor organization.