Working hours: Mon-Fri (10:00 - 18:00)

Announcement of Georgian Young Lawyers’ Association Regarding National-Democratic Party’s Initiative “On Amendments and Addendums to the Election Code of Georgia”

Georgian Young Lawyers’ Association endorses draft of organic law initiated by the National Democratic Party in Parliament of Georgia – “On Amendments and Addendums to the Election Code of Georgia’, which aims at limiting participation of public officers in pre-election agitation and prohibiting the use of administrative resources.It shall be noted that the draft law initiated by the National Democratic Party is based on GYLA’s recommendations “Regarding the Matters of Pre-Election Campaigning and the Use of Administrative Resources”, which was presented by GYLA to political parties working to reform the Election Code of Georgia in November 2009.

2009-12-04 07:39 See more

GYLA Protesting Threats against Journalist

Georgian Young Lawyers’ Association condemns illegal actions leveled against journalist of the Batumelebi newspaper, Tedo Jorbenadze by officers of Georgian MIA Special Operation Department (SOD) of Adjara A.R. on November 25, 2009.GYLA assesses threats against the journalist to release video/photo material exposing his sexual orientation as violation of fundamental human rights.

2009-11-27 09:47 See more

GYLA Filed Amicus Curiae Brief to the Constitutional Court

On August 22, 2009, Parliament of Georgia made addendums to the law on Constitutional Legal Proceedings, which introduced amicus curiae in constitutional legal proceedings. This means that any natural or legal person can submit written observations to the Constitutional Court regarding any specific case.Georgian Young Lawyers’ Association (GYLA) was the first to utilize the noted opportunity. On November 26, 2009 GYLA presented its written observations regarding constitutional lawsuit filed by the Public Defender against the Parliament of Georgia. The written observations were also forwarded to both the defendant and the plaintiff.

2009-11-26 10:02 See more

GYLA Evaluates the November 23 Incident

GYLA evaluates the incident that occurred on November 23 as gross infringement of the right of peaceful assembly, as three members of the social movement November 7 - Irakli Kordzaia, Dachi Tsaguria and Jaba Jishkariani were obstructed to exercise their freedom of peaceful assembly. Under Article 25 of the Constitution of Georgia, “everyone, except members of the armed forces and Ministry of Internal Affairs, has the right to public assembly without arms either indoors or outdoors without prior permission. The necessity of prior notification of the authorities may be established by law in the case where a public assembly or manifestation is held on a public thoroughfare”.As media outlets have reported, the City Council of Tbilisi rejected notification of rally organizers, declaring that “on St. George’s day religious and civil festivities will be held in Tbilisi, in front of the Parliament and outside Kashueti Church of St. George. Correspondingly, your notification is not taken”.

2009-11-24 09:50 See more

GYLA was Named Partner-Organization of the Parliament of Georgia and Westminster Consortium

On November 9, 2009, a memorandum of understanding signed between the Parliament of Georgia and the Westminster Foundation for Democracy laid basis for implementation of the four year parliamentary capacity strengthening program. The Westminster Consortium for Parliaments and Democracy has current parliamentary strengthening programs in five countries – Georgia, Ukraine, Lebanon, Uganda and Mozambique ( program aims at supporting performance of legislative, supervisory and representative functions of the parliament by strengthening their effectiveness. It includes strengthening capacity of the parliamentary staff to enable them to provide professional assistance to MPs. The program format incorporates trainings and seminars, business trips to the British Parliament, exchange visits for MPs, etc.

2009-11-10 09:52 See more

Young Lawyers for Constitutional Rights

On 6-8 November, 2009, with financial support of GTZ and in cooperation with the Constitutional Court of Georgia GYLA implemented nationwide Olympiad “Young Lawyers for Constitutional Rights”.The Olympiad has turned into annual tradition, as for the past three years it has been held in Batumi, at the Constitutional Court of Georgia.Participants of the Olympiad were selected on the basis of a competition. Total of nearly fifty groups participated in the competition.

2009-11-08 09:54 See more

Those Responsible for the November 7, 2007 Events have not been Held Accountable

It has been two years since the tragic developments of November 7, 2007, when law enforcement officers unlawfully used excessive force to disperse peaceful rally participants, raided independent television and destroyed its equipment, used special means that were illegal at the given time; as a result at least 500 people were injured. Although authorities have formally acknowledged that the November 7 lessons were learned, noted developments haven’t been thoroughly investigated; those who gave orders and those who executed these orders haven’t been indentified.“Despite repeated calls from key international actors... the government [of Georgia] has refused to launch a comprehensive investigation into the events of November 7, 2007,” – says the World Report 2009 of Human Rights Watch.

2009-11-07 09:55 See more

Written Appeal of the Chairperson of GYLA to Dmitry Shashkin

Mr. Dmitry,Let me inform you on several collective applications submitted to GYLA on October 28, 2009, by inmates of the Common, Strict and Jail Regime Institution (Ksani) No 7 of the penitentiary department. 62 inmates in cells #23, 25, 26, have signed noted applications, collectively corroborating unbearable conditions at the institution. More specifically, their claims regard•    living conditions (overcrowding, anti-sanitary, poor lighting and ventilation);•    health condition (consultations with doctor, lack of medication);•    attitude of the administration 

2009-10-28 09:58 See more

NGOs Met with Candidates of Public TV Director General

 On August 4, on initiative of Georgian Young Lawyers’ Association and Open Society Georgia Foundation, representatives of NGO sector, journalists and heads of media outlets in Georgia met with candidates of director general of public broadcaster.

2009-08-03 20:00 See more

NGOs Met with Nominees for Ombudsman

On initiative of Georgian Young Lawyers’ Association (GYLA) and Open Society Georgia Foundation (OSGF), representatives of NGO sector met with nominees for ombudsmen, Giorgi Tugushi and Dimitri Lortkipanidze.

2009-07-29 20:00 See more