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GYLA Submitted its Remarks and Recommendations Concerning Three Legal Drafts to the Parliament

On February 4, 2010, members of the Parliament initiated the on amendments and supplements to the law of Georgia on Procurement. The proposed draft significantly widens the area to which the simplified procurement applies. GYLA negatively evaluates unjustified broadening of the scope of simplified procurement for certain procurers and introduction of new exceptions to the law by widening the circle of procuring subjects (the Ministry of Interior Affairs of Georgia and agencies within the Ministry, the Ministry of Defense of Georgia and agencies within the Ministry, the Special Service of State Protection). Furthermore, GYLA called on MPs to take actions that will not allow deterioration of existing mechanisms of the law (click here to view the full text of GYLA’s opinion).

2011-02-18 08:33 See more

GYLA Submitted its Remarks and Recommendations Concerning Three Legal Drafts to the Parliament

On February 4, 2010, members of the Parliament initiated the on amendments and supplements to the law of Georgia on Procurement. The proposed draft significantly widens the area to which the simplified procurement applies. GYLA negatively evaluates unjustified broadening of the scope of simplified procurement for certain procurers and introduction of new exceptions to the law by widening the circle of procuring subjects (the Ministry of Interior Affairs of Georgia and agencies within the Ministry, the Ministry of Defense of Georgia and agencies within the Ministry, the Special Service of State Protection). Furthermore, GYLA called on MPs to take actions that will not allow deterioration of existing mechanisms of the law (click here to view the full text of GYLA’s opinion).

2011-02-18 08:27 See more

GYLA’s Question was answered during the Videoconference held upon the Initiative of U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton

NGOs from 50 different countries participated in the videoconference held on February 15 upon the initiative of the U.S. Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton.Out of hundreds of questions earlier submitted by NGOs from all over the world, only four were answered by the conference organizers. One of them was the question submitted by GYLA’s Chairperson Tamar Chugoshvili regarding   compatibility of economic development and democratic development in Georgia. Specifically, GYLA inquired about the ways to ensure that the economic development does not hamper or question the rule of law in the country.The working group members answered that sustainable economy may not be achieved without combination of the rule of law, democratic governance and economic development.

2011-02-17 16:12 See more

GYLA Won another Court Case Taken to ECHR

On February 15, 2011 the European Court of Human Rights rendered its judgment in Tsintsabadze v Georgia (case #35403/06). The court held that there had been a violation of Article 2 of the European Convention on Human Rights by the State (Georgia), as the investigation into the death of Zurab Tsintsabadze in prison in 2005 had not been independent, objective and effective.Zurab Tsintsabadze was sentenced to three years of imprisonment and since July 6, 2005, he had been serving the sentence in Khoni Prison N9. He was discovered hanged in prison storeroom on September 30, 2005.The investigation considered that Z. Tsintsabadze committed a suicide, although mother of the deceased Tsintsabadze claimed that he was killed over a debt.The Court noted that although investigation into the death of Z. Tsintsabadze was launched immediately and a number of investigative measures were taken, there were a number of procedural shortcomings which left many obvious questions about the death unanswered.The investigation was conducted by the department that is under the direct supervision of the Ministry of Justice, which raised legitimate doubts as to the independence of the investigation.

2011-02-16 16:14 See more

GYLA Applies Parliament with Recommendations

The Georgian Young Lawyers’ Association submitted its legal opinions concerning a number of legal drafts, including:Amendments to the law of Georgia on Conflict of Interests and Corruption in Public Service. GYLA welcomes the draft that aims at further elaboration of the law by including “State Minister and his/her deputy” in the list of state officials. At the same time, GYLA applied to MPs with a recommendation to designate heads of structural subunits of the State Minister’s office and their equivalents under the category of state officials (click here to view the full text of GYLA’s legal opinion).

2011-02-09 08:40 See more

Spring Session of the Parliament of Georgia has Commenced Today

Spring session of the Parliament of Georgia opened today, on February 1 and will close on January 24. At the spring session, the Parliament will discuss several significant draft laws, including:1. Draft law on amendments and supplements to the law of Georgia on broadcasting;2. Charter of Freedom3. Draft law on supplements to the Law on occupied territories of Georgia.GYLA has already submitted its initial legal opinions about the supplements and amendments to the law of Georgia on broadcasting, and supplements to the law on occupied territories of Georgia to the Parliament of Georgia, and it has applied to the Speaker of the Parliament with a letter regarding the Charter of Freedom.GYLA has been actively involved in the process of legal drafting, and in frames of its

2011-02-01 10:00 See more

64-Year Old Man Sentenced to Imprisonment for Stealing GEL 35 Worth of Boards

District Court of Mtskheta sentenced a displaced person from Liakhvi Gorge, sculptor Valerian Chilashvili to one year of imprisonment on January 22, 2011. The Prosecutor’s Office of Mtskheta detained 64-year old Chilashvili in October 2010 on charges of stealing GEL 35 worth of wooden boards. Based on the motion of the Prosecutor’s Office, Chilashvili was granted bail for GEL 2000 but as the defendant could not afford the bail, he was imprisoned.

2011-01-26 08:23 See more

The IDPs were evicted against the law and in an offensive manner.

The Georgian Young Lawyers’ Association responds to the eviction of internally displaced persons from building formerly housing the customs department located at 4 Abzianidze Str. in Tbilisi on January 20, 2011. GYLA’s representative has observed the process from the very beginning.Eviction on January 20, 2011 started at 7:00 am. Dozens of police officers were mobilized at the location. They hindered journalists and observers to enter the building and monitor the developments inside.

2011-01-20 14:46 See more

The Newly Established Dispute Resolution Board at the State Procurement Agency has Settled 3 Appeals

On December 10, 2010, the Dispute Resolution Board was established at the State Procurement Agency. The board adjudicates appeals regarding procurement. Both bidders and entities that would like to participate in procurement have the right to lodge appeals. They have the right to appeal against actions of procuring organization or tender commission before conclusion of an agreement on procurement. The board shall render its decision within then days.

2011-01-18 13:07 See more

Scholarship opportunity for lawyers

Open Society Institute, Law and Health Initiative (LAHI), Open Society Georgia Foundation (OSGF), And Association Rights to Health, Fellowship in Law, Human Rights, and Patient Care.The Open Society Institute Law and Health Initiative (LAHI), Open Society Georgian Foundation and Georgian Young Lawyers Assosiation are pleased to announce a one-year fellowship program for practicing lawyers and recent law graduates in law, human rights, and patient care.

2011-01-17 14:32 See more