Working hours: Mon-Fri (10:00 - 18:00)

Allegations about Criminal Record of the Chief Prosecutor of Georgia should be Officially Verified

We release this statement in response to allegations about criminal record of the Chief Prosecutor of Georgia in Germany. As public may be aware, some of the below signatories learned about these allegations from unofficial sources, before it was made public, and we were in the process of verifying their truthfulness to avoid inflicting any harm to the image and credibility of law enforcement authorities by disclosing unverified information about this important matter. As the information has now already been disclosed, its credibility must be verified. Therefore, we urge the Georgian authorities to examine and disclose whether these allegations are true.  

2013-12-24 02:51 See more

Statement on another Postponement of Enactment of the new Procedures for Witness Examination

“The Coalition for an Independent and Transparent Judiciary” voices its position on the December 20, 2013 initiative of the Georgian government, which envisages yet another postponement of the enactment date of the new procedure for witness examination at the stage of investigation, for the period of two years until December 31, 2015. The Coalition considers that the initiated amendment will have adverse effect on the development of the criminal justice and calls on the initiators of the draft to withdraw the document from the Parliament. 

2013-12-23 05:18 See more

Investigation should start based on Ivane Merabishvili’s allegations

As it is publicly known according to the December 16 allegations made by Ivane Merabishvili, some unknown individuals took him away blindfold from the penitentiary on a vehicle to the unknown direction on December 14.     As Merabishvili reports, he was brought allegedly to the penitentiary department, where the Prosecutor General and one other individual met him. Merabishvili says that the Prosecutor General demanded from him to cooperate on Zhvania’s case and to submit Saaakashvili’s bank accounts, in return he promised assistance in leaving the country. Otherwise the prosecutor threatened with creation of unfavorable conditions in prison and arrest of Merabishvili’s friends.  

2013-12-23 01:50 See more

Gigi Ugulava's Statement Must Be Reacted To

As publicly known, the Mayor of Tbilisi Gigi Ugulava made a statement on 21 December 2013 before a court hearing that the judge trying the case is under duress of certain persons including the current and former employees of the Interior Ministry's General Inspection. He has named concrete individuals who, as he alleges, are exercising duress on the judge. We believe this statement requires timely and adequate reaction from the relevant entities. 

2013-12-22 02:12 See more

GYLA Held Presentation of the Monitoring Report of Pre-election Environment, Election Day and Post -election Period

On December 2013, GYLA held presentation of pre-election environment, Election Day and post election period monitoring report. The report incorporates the results of the monitoring implemented in the period of July 4 - November 12, 2013.  The report provides in details deficiencies observed in pre-election period, during the Election Day and while calculation of election results. It submits the main trends that were characteristic to the October 27, 2013 Presidential Elections. Moreover, the report contains concrete recommendations which we think will assist individuals involved in election process to reinforce their achievements and to eliminate gaps of the Presidential Elections. 

2013-12-20 02:47 See more

The Statement of the Human Rights Organizations on Setting up Public Monitoring Mechanisms in Prisons

Georgian Human Rights Organizations voice their position on the ongoing reforms in penitentiary system and the developments in prisons for the past months. We consider that prison conditions and protection of prisoners’ rights has increased considerably as a result of activities implemented in penitentiary system for the past year. Though, in view of torture and inhuman treatment that was inherited by the new government from its predecessor, important challenges still remain, including the negative stereotype and mistrust of public. These problems may be resolved only by restoring trust through implementing concrete activities and by establishing human rights protection culture in the system.  

2013-12-19 05:04 See more

GYLA held presentation of the research on proactive disclosure of public information

On December 19, 2013 GYLA held presentation of the research “Proactive disclosure of public information” providing information about current trends in Georgia, as well as the international practice.  

2013-12-19 05:02 See more

Presentation of the GYLA’s Research – “Freedom of Expression, Analysis of Media Condition in Georgia”

GYLA’s Media Legal Defense Center conducted a research in Georgia on freedom of expression and analyzed media’s condition in terms of freedom of expression in the period of January 2006 - October 2013.   The research aims to reveal legislative and practical gaps in terms of mass media and to encourage freedom of media in the country.  

2013-12-18 08:41 See more

Investigation should start based on Ivane Merabishvili’s Statement

According to the information released by media and provided by GYLA’s court monitors (who attended the trial personally), the accused Ivane Merabishvili stated that on Saturday,  December 14, some unidentified individuals took him away blindfold from the penitentiary department on a car to the unknown direction.        As Merabishvili reports, he was brought allegedly to the penitentiary department, where the Prosecutor General and one other individual met him.  Merabishvili says that the Prosecutor General demanded from him to cooperate on Zhvania’s case and to submit Saaakashvili’s bank accounts, in return he promised assistance in leaving the country. Otherwise the prosecutor threatened with creation of unfavorable conditions in prison and arrest of Merabishvili’s friends.       

2013-12-17 08:27 See more

GYLA applied to the UNESCO concerning the pending amendments to the law on “Cultural Heritage”

As it is known to public, the government of Georgia submitted to the Parliament the draft which introduces amendment to the law on Cultural Heritage and changes significantly applied regulation on cancelation of the status to the monument.    

2013-12-17 07:24 See more