Working hours: Mon-Fri (10:00 - 18:00)

GYLA responds to the opinion of the former president of Georgia regarding the application submitted by GYLA to the Electoral Administration of Georgia

The Georgian Young Lawyers’ Association responds to the opinion of Mr. Mikheil Saakashvili, the former president of Georgia, regarding the application submitted by GYLA to the Electoral Administration of Georgia. The fact of violation of the legislation of Georgia and the attempt of marginalisation of the response of a monitoring organisation to this fact is unacceptable for GYLA. We consider the statement of the former president as an indirect limitation of the mandate of the monitoring organisation and as an act aimed to make it silent, which is unacceptable in a democratic state.

2016-08-03 21:14 See more


On 29 July 2016, the Georgian Young Lawyers’ Association filed a complaint with the European Court of Human Rights on behalf of R.P.

2016-07-31 19:42 See more

The revision of the Government’s submission of judicial candidates to the European Court of Human Rights

Coalition for an Independent and Transparent Judiciary is responding to Government’s decision to replace Nana Mchedilidze with Eva Gotsiridze on the list of judicial candidates submitted to the European Court of Human Rights.

2016-07-29 16:28 See more

Crimes allegedly committed by law enforcement officers and the State’s response to them – analysis of cases litigated by the GYLA

The Georgian Young Lawyers’ Association has presented to the public a report analyzing 22 cases concerning crimes allegedly committed by law enforcement officers which are being litigated by the GYLA. The GYLA is providing legal assistance to a number of victims and victims’ assignees who have stated that officers of law enforcement agencies, mostly of the police, committed criminal acts against them. The report evaluates the effectiveness of the State’s response in terms of investigation of these crimes and identification and punishment of the perpetrators, as well as protection of the victims’ rights

2016-07-22 16:18 See more


On 21 July 2015, GYLA held the presentation of its research: Rights of Victims in Criminal Proceedings (the legislation of Georgia, practice and international approaches).

2016-07-21 12:43 See more

Statement of the GYLA regarding the Day of International Justice

On July 17, the world marks the Day of International Justice. We believe that the creation of the international system of justice in the form of the International Criminal Court – whose foundations were laid on July 17, 1998, with the adoption of the Rome Statute – is one of the most important achievements of the international community. Perpetrators of international crimes – genocide, war crimes, and crimes against humanity – must not remain unpunished regardless of their official status, and it is possible to achieve this goal through the International Criminal Court. 

2016-07-17 14:07 See more

Coalition responds the judicial selection meeting

Coalition for an Independent and Transparent Judiciary considers it important to reassess the judicial selection competition and react to the judicial selection meeting that will take place at High Council of Justice today. It is well known that Coalition has been criticizing the competition, which was held without following minimal procedural guarantees established in the legislation. The ongoing competition as well as previous ones did not show that Council’s approach to the implementation of its constitutional duty was based on the sense of responsibility and integrity. Council did not use all possible methods to appoint judges based on merit. Numerous flaws revealed during the ongoing competition raise questions regarding adequacy of the selection process and undermine its results. This deepens public’s disappointment in the court system.  

2016-07-14 09:45 See more

Statement regarding “Rustavi 2” case

On July 12, legal representatives of Rustavi 2 appealed the decree of Tbilisi Court of Appeal to the Supreme Court of Georgia that remained unaffected decision of the Tbilisi City Court stating the ownership of 100% shares of the company by Kibar Kalvashi.   

2016-07-13 18:49 See more

The GYLA applies to the State Audit Office and the Central Election Commission regarding alleged vote buying and cases of alleged participation in pre-election campaigning in violation of law

According to an article published by the InterPressNews news agency on June 9 this year, on the initiative of Tevdore Kobakhidze, Chairperson of the Legal Issues Commission of the Tbilisi City Assembly, “teachers of the schools of the Vake District will be given free diagnostic tests.”

2016-07-07 10:05 See more

The Coalition for an Independent and Transparent Judiciary evaluates the judicial selection competition

The Coalition for an Independent and Transparent Judiciary assesses the judicial selection competition announced by High Council of Justice to fill 65 vacant positions.  By now the interviews of all candidates have been completed. The Council’s decision with respect to selected candidates will be publicized later. 

2016-07-04 10:50 See more