Working hours: Mon-Fri (10:00 - 18:00)

On International Labor Day GYLA Calls on the Government to Create an Effective Labor Inspection

May 1st is the International Labor Day. Labor right, which also includes the right to safe and adequate working conditions is a fundamental human right and one of the primary obligations of the state enshrined in the Constitution of Georgia and Laws, as well as in international obligations undertaken by Georgia.

2015-05-01 16:07 See more

The General Prosecutor’s Office should Start Investigation on the Fact of Explosion Taken Place at Sakdrisi-Khachagiani Archeological Site

On December 13, 2014 RMG-Gold released the statement in media about resuming mining activities in Sakdrisi-Khachagiani #1 site. Moreover, in parallel to the company’s statement it became known that explosion has taken place at Sakdrisi. 

2015-04-24 11:00 See more

Coalition Opinion on the Prosecution Reform Concept

The Coalition is examining the Prosecution Reform Concept, put forward by the Criminal Justice Reform Inter-Agency Coordination Council on April 8, 2015, which proposes several amendments to the rules of appointing the chief prosecutor. According to the concept, the Prosecutorial Council becomes part of the process, and reviews the nominations by the Minister of Justice. The candidate supported by the Council is nominated to the government, and upon its consent, the parliament reviews the candidacy and makes a decision with a simple majority.

2015-04-21 17:31 See more

Joint Statement of NGOs and Media Organizations about the Draft on Public Calls for Violent Action

The Parliament of Georgia is planning to adopt with first reading a draft of Amendments to the Criminal Code of Georgia, prepared by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia and initiated by the Government of Georgia. One of the aims of the draft is to criminalize public calls for violent action. According to Article of the 2391 of the draft, public calls for violent action for the purpose of instigating conflict between different racial, religious, national, regional, ethnic, social, political, language and/or other groups will be punishable by up to two years in prison.

2015-04-17 16:30 See more

The Statement of Coalition about development of the Juvenile Justice Code

The Coalition for an Independent and Transparent Judiciary welcomes development of the Juvenile Justice Code by the Ministry of Justice.  Development of the Code corresponds to the Convention on the Rights of the Child, which obliges the signatory states to establish special policies, procedures and institutions for the juveniles dealing with the Justice system.

2015-04-16 12:20 See more

This Affects You appeals to Constitutional Court to curb direct access to citizens' telephone and internet data

April 8, 2015, Tbilisi – Members of the campaign This Affects You have presented an appeal to the Constitutional Court of Georgia, requesting abolishment of the amendments to secret surveillance legislation adopted by the Georgian Parliament in November 2014.

2015-04-08 12:00 See more

Successfully Litigated Cases in March

With GYLA’s Assistance an Individual was Relieved from Administrative Liability   With legal assistance of GYLA’s Ozurgeti Office Ozurgeti regional court released R.T. from administrative liability. On January 3, 2015 the protocol of administrative offence was drafted against R.T. for driving a car, while his driving license has been terminated (for non-payment of imposed penalty and fine in October, 2014), though R.T. has not been informed about termination of the driving license according to the rules envisaged by law. Further, as the official web-page of the Ministry of Interior demonstrates, he had paid the fine on time.

2015-04-06 12:00 See more

UN Human Rights’ Committee considered recommendations of GYLA and partner organizations about Russia

UN Human Rights Committee worked out its concluding observations about Russia at the session held on March 31, 2015. The Committee has adopted its observations on the basis of  the report submitted by Russian Federation to UN on March 16-17, 2015 and information proposed by NGOs. Georgian Young Lawyers’ Association (GYLA) and National Institute for Human Rights (NHIR) in cooperation with Human Rights Priority (HRP) submitted an alternative report at the session.

2015-04-03 17:02 See more

GYLA Filed in the Constitution Court against the Power of Prosecutor to Appeal for Additional or Re-Qualified Charges

GYLA filed in the Constitutional Court representing interests of D.Ts. charged under Article 117 of the Criminal Code of Georgia (inflicting intentional damage to health). Article 117 of the Criminal Code prescribes prison time ranging from three to five years as a punishment. Tbilisi City Court re-qualified the charges and D.Ts. was found guilty for crime envisaged under Article 122 of the Criminal Code of Georgia (inflicting serious or less serious damage to health beyond the limits of necessary defense).

2015-04-03 16:18 See more

NGOs call on the state authorities to conduct the process of restoration of violated rights effectively

We are deeply concerned for the murder of the businessman Besik Khardziani and convey our sincere condolences to his family and relatives. We call on the state authority to investigate the murder case immediately, comprehensively and impartially, to reveal offenders and to ensure their severe punishment according to the law.  

2015-03-31 16:56 See more