Working hours: Mon-Fri (10:00 - 18:00)

GYLA Presented Trial Monitoring Results

The Georgian Young Lawyers’ Association presented the results of its monitoring of criminal cases in Batumi, Kutaisi and Tbilisi City Courts and Tbilisi and Kutaisi Appeals Courts on June 22, 2015.  Danielle Reiff, Head of USAID’s Democracy and Governance Office, and Anna Natsvlishvili, Chair of Georgian Young Lawyers’ Association opened the presentation. The court monitoring conducted by the GYLA is funded by the USAID through the Promoting Rule of Law in Georgia (PROLoG) Activity implemented by the East-West Management Institute (EWMI).  

2015-06-22 11:00 See more

The Coalition for the Independent and Transparent judiciary will present its position on the Venice Commission session

 The representatives of the Georgian Young Lawyers’ Association (GYLA), Transparency International – Georgia (TI) and the Human Rights Education and Monitoring Center (EMC) will attend the Venice Commission session, on June 19 and June 20, where the amendments to the Law on the Prosecution will be discussed.

2015-06-19 12:29 See more

Coalition for an Independent and Transparent Judiciary Hosts a Public Forum on State Policy towards Past Human Rights Violations

The forum will bring together government and civil society stakeholders to discuss the issues of state policy towards past human rights violations. The Coalition will provide recommendations to the state in order to achieve justice for past violations while safeguarding the process from political retribution.    The Coalition will bring together a diverse group of stakeholders to engage in an open and transparent discussion aimed at providing a greater understanding of the issues.

2015-06-17 10:30 See more

Successfully Litigated Cases in May

With assistance of GYLA’s Kutaisi branch court found an individual innocent T.G. was accused as per Para 5, Article 276 of the Criminal Code of Georgia (violation of the traffic safety rules that caused death of an individual). Specifically, according to the indictment, T.G. has violated traffic rules while driving a car in Zestaphoni region, village Shrosha and hit a pedestrian. The court upheld  position of the defense, as well as evidences submitted by the defense and concluded that it was impossible to avoid an accident by T.G. In view of this, there was no necessary standard beyond the reasonable doubt to render a convicting judgement and the court found T.G. innocent.   

2015-06-09 10:48 See more

GYLA Responds to the Statement of the Prime Minister and Subsequent Actions of the Prosecution on the Case of Giorgi Okropiridze

Georgian Young Lawyers’ Association (GYLA) responds to the statement, made by the prime minister on June 8, 2015 regarding Giorgi Okropiridze and the subsequent actions of the prosecution that raise serious doubts in terms of independence and impartiality of this public body.  

2015-06-08 19:21 See more

NGOs Statement about Position of the Ruling Coalition on Reforming Election System

On June 5, 2015 the ruling coalition Georgian Dream introduced its decision to public and reported that forthcoming parliamentary elections in 2016 will be held under the applicable mixed proportional-majoritarian system with slight amendments. In particular, the Coalition plans to increase the minimum threshold of majoritarians to 50 percent and proposes to redraw the borders of majoritarian districts for observance of equality of votes as per Constitutional Court decision.

2015-06-08 14:58 See more

On the basis of GYLA’s complaint Government of Georgia recognized before ECtHR violation of the right to defense in Z.Jakheli’s case

In 2010 Georgian Young Lawyers’ Association applied to ECtHR on behalf of the applicant Z.Jakheli. On May 12, 2015 the European Court rendered a ruling that was published on the web-page on June 4, 2015. Based on the reached agreement between parties the case “Jakheli vs. Georgia” has been removed from the list of pending cases. 

2015-06-08 13:32 See more

GYLA’s statement about the so-called Cable Case of the high officials of the Defense Ministry

Georgian Young Lawyers’ Association (GYLA) welcomes the court ruling of June 5 about the high officials of the Defense Ministry involved in the so-called Cable Case.  On June 5, 2015 the criminal board of Tbilisi City Court upheld the motion of the defense and considered inadmissible the main evidence (expert opinion) submitted by the prosecution. 

2015-06-06 15:16 See more

Polling Day Observation Results By 20:00

GYLA’s observers are observing the June 15/2014 majoritarian by-elections of the representative body of the local self-government – Sakrebulo in the district #64 – Senaki and #67-Zugdidi. The observers are present at the precincts #34 and 35 of the Senaki district and at the precincts #67 and 45 of the Zugdidi district.

2015-05-31 21:14 See more

Polling Day Observation Results by 12:00

Despite some violations, the polling process is mainly being conducted in the peaceful environment by the 12:00.   All of the three electoral precincts were properly equipped with the electoral materials and ready for receiving a first voter in a timely manner.

2015-05-31 14:33 See more