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The Georgian Young Lawyers’ Association appeals to the Parliament of Georgia not to implement amendments initiated by the President to the Law of Georgia on Imprisonment.

On May 16, The Legal Committee of the Parliament adopted by the first hearing the draft initiated by the president of Georgia on introducing of amendments to the Georgian Law on Imprisonment that envisages administrative arrest for violation of the prison rules. The maximum term for the arrest should be 90 days. According to the draft the term is not included in the sentence and each time the prisoner commits the violation of prison disciplinary rules since the decision on imposition of administrative arrest for committing a violation enters into force he may be sentenced to additional 90 days arrest. The Amendment with its general meaning and specific provisions contradicts with the Georgian Constitution, European Convention on Human Rights, European Convention on Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment and its protocols, Recommendation (2006-2) of the Committee of Ministers of the European Council and the Fundamental Principles of Criminal Procedure.  GYLA prepared a legal opinion in regard to the mentioned draft and submitted it to the Legal Committee and the Committee for Civil Integration and Human Rights Protection. Despite it, Legal Committee approved the draft by the first hearing and submitted it to the plenary session of the Parliament. The Georgian Young Lawyers’ Association appeals to the Parliament of Georgia not to implement amendments initiated by the President to the Law of Georgia on Imprisonment, since it might grossly violate domestic legislation, as well as principles on protection of prisoners’ rights ensured by various international instruments. Legal Opinion on amendments to the law on imprisonment

2007-05-15 20:00 See more

The Georgian Young Lawyers Association became the organization compliant with the 5 Silver Principles of the Code of Ethics for the second time

On May 4-5, 2007 by organization of the “Civil Initiative Center” the second fair/forum of civil society organizations (CSOs) was arranged in the Exhibition Center –Expo Georgia, 11th pavilion. More than 70 CSOs participated in fair/forum and presented their works.     The Georgian Young Lawyers’ Association submitted to public more than 50 various publications; social ads prepared by GYLA were also presented.   On May 5, in the conference hall of Expo-Georgia the Georgian Young Lawyers’ Association made a presentation:  “GYLA Legal Training Center on the way to development”. Tamar Metreveli – the director of the Legal Training Center made a presentation.   At the ends of the fair/forum the official closing ceremony was held and organizations complaint with 5 Silver Principles of the Code of Ethics was announced.   The Georgian Young Lawyers’ Association received the award already the second time. Apart form the Georgian Young Lawyers’ Association 17 organizations received the award.   On September 26, 2004 more than 100 Civil Society Organizations signed the Code of Ethics of the Civil Society Organizations. According to the current information 116 civil society organizations from all over Georgia signed the Code. The Georgian Young Lawyers’ Association is in the list.   The Code of Ethics is a set of regulations, standards and values. By signing the Code of Ethics civil society organization expresses its good will to protect the principles of freedom, tolerance, equality, diversity, pluralism, benevolence, partnership, mutual gratitude, respect, social activism, openness, transparency, professionalism and democratic governance. 

2007-05-06 20:00 See more

The seminar: Fundamental Human Rights under the European Convention and the procedure for applying to the European Court.

On April 24-25 the Georgian Young lawyers’ Association in partnership with the European Human Rights Advocacy Center conducted training seminar “Fundamental Human Rights under the European Convention and the procedure for applying to the European Court” within the framework of  the project “Strengthening Rule of Law in Georgia” and  the financial support of the European Union and EHRAC.  20 practicing lawyers from various NGOs and private law firms were selected on the ground of competition as training participants.

2007-05-04 20:00 See more

The winners of the debate tournament are going to China

In April 2007 the Legal Education Assistance Foundation founded by the Georgian Young Lawyers’ Association organized the debate internal tournament. Debate course has been conducted in the Foundation for already six months together with other law courses. Initially it was taught in 2005-2006 and proved the need of the debate course for law students in the future. Students gain the skills of constructive debate and, therefore, raise the knowledge in different legal issues, organize the public discussions on the state problematic issues. In 2006-2007 teaching of the debate course also initiated in GYLA regional branches – Rustavi, Kutaisi, Gori, Telavi and Batumi.

2007-04-23 20:00 See more

The Georgian Young Lawyers’ Association assesses events held on March 19-20

On March 19, society witnessed once again the court having rendered unfair judgment. GYLA emphasizes once more, that judiciary independence and inviolability are the main values on the way to the establishment of the Rule of Law state. We regret that the latest judgments made by courts give rise to unfavorable trends. Judiciary became direct implementer of the so called “zero tolerance” policy; it is extremely strict towards juveniles and persons who have committed less grave offences and who are not attractive candidates for investigation in making plea-bargaining agreements, however on the other hand judiciary is surprisingly tolerant to the accused/persons in trial who represent law enforcement agencies.  Considering the latest amendments introduced to the legislation it creates prolific basis for a court to be the obedient executor of the investigation’s requirements. The law, however still leaves the room to judiciary for bringing in acquittals, when guilt can not be proved, but the contemporary practice demonstrates, that judiciary rarely applies to the authority.

2007-03-21 20:00 See more

GYLA filed a motion to the city prosecutors’ office

Lawyers of the victims, killed during the “special operation” on May 2.2006, near the tennis courts, submit the new evidences to the city prosecutor’s office.   As already known, the separate investigation has been initiated as per article 114 of the Criminal Law (Manslaughter beyond Measure Necessary for Catching a Criminal) on Khubulovi and Vazagashvili’s liquidation case during the special operation.   Even thought, Petutidze-the person survived after the special operation, stated, that they have used the fire arms, Vazagarshvili’s lawyers managed to acquire evidence that prove otherwise. Specifically, as witnesses declare, law enforcements applied to fire arms without giving any warning. As a result Vazagashvili and Khubulvi were killed on the place.   The lawyers acquired testimonies from the witnesses. The victims would submit them to the investigation, claim interrogation of witnesses and implementation of impartial investigation.   The Georgian Young Lawyers’ Association held a special briefing on the issue.

2007-01-14 20:00 See more

GYLA presented the Research-Judiciary in Georgia

Preparation of periodic reports on Human Rights Situation in Georgia is one of the directions of GYLA activities. In Human Rights Week, on December 11 GYLA made a presentation of the research-“Judiciary in Georgia”. The Publication has been prepared in the framework of the EU funded project “Strengthening Rule of Law in Georgia”.

2007-01-11 20:00 See more

The Georgian Young Lawyers’ Association sent one more case to the European Court of Human Rights

On December 29.2006 the Georgian Young Lawyers’ Association sent one more case to the European Court of Human Rights. The case concerned detention of the members of the NGO “Egalitarian Institute” and sentencing them to imprisonment for 30 days. 

2007-01-09 20:00 See more

The Constitutional Court partially satisfied the complaint of the Georgian Young Lawyers’ Association

Since July the Constitutional Court has been discussing the joint complaint of the Georgian Young Lawyers’ Association and the organization Article 42 of the Constitution. The case concerned article 208 of the Criminal Procedure Code and article 212 of the Civil Procedure Code according to which the judge was entitled to make the final judgment on the arrest of a person without an oral hearing in case he/she violated court order or expressed contempt of a court. 

2006-12-20 20:00 See more

The Georgian Young Lawyers’ Association has the new Chairman

We are pleased to announce that the Georgian Young Lawyers’ Association has the new Chairman. On November 10, GYLA board elected the new chairman: Mr. Giorgi Chkheidze and the deputy chairperson Ms. Lali Chkhetia. According to GYLA statute a chairman is elected by the Board from its members for one year term. A person can not be elected as a chairman for more than two terms. Ms. Anna Dolidze served as GYLA chairperson in 2004-2006. 

2006-11-13 20:00 See more