Working hours: Mon-Fri (10:00 - 18:00)

Training in Corporate Branding

On November 18-19, 2013 GYLA and the Caucasus Institute for Peace, Democracy and Development arranged a training for the representatives of the small and medium business sector.     The training was held in the framework of the EU funded project “Promoting Well-Managed Migration between EU and Georgia”. One of the project directions migration and development implies increase of the role of Georgian Diaspora in state development process and establishment of suitable conditions for sharing their knowledge-experience.  

2013-11-19 01:50 See more

Meeting on Migration issues in GYLA’s Telavi Office

On November 17, 2013 Georgian Young Lawyers’ Association and the Caucasus Institute for Peace, Democracy and Development held meeting with local NGOs and population in GYLA’s Telavi Office. The event held within the scope of the project “Promoting Well-Managed Migration between EU and Georgia“ was aimed at increasing public awareness on migration issues.  

2013-11-17 02:35 See more

The Joint Statement of Civil Society Organizations on the Initiative of the Organization “Identity”

The state obligation to ensure individuals’ right to adequate housing is often violated in Georgia. The state policy to solve the extreme form of poverty - lack of shelter, has not been elaborated so far. Such persons even fall short to receive social vulnerability status, since the law requires indication of the permanent place of residence from them. For the past years media regularly released information about homeless deceased from winter frosts.  In view of state’s failure to carry out its obligation in terms of homeless persons, NGO “Identity” decided creation of the shelter with an intent to gain experience in the field and share it with state authorities in future. Along with shelter, the organization was supposed to offer nutrition, psychological, medical and legal aid and employment to beneficiaries.   

2013-11-16 01:44 See more

GYLA was granted the status of the supporter of tolerance

On November 15, 2013 at the event dedicated to the International Day of Tolerance the National Minority Council under the Public Defender's Office granted GYLA the status of the supporter of tolerance for the its efforts in development of culture of tolerance in Georgia.  November 16 is the International Day of Tolerance celebrated from the second half of the XX century.  

2013-11-15 01:18 See more

Georgian Young Lawyers’ Association and “Tiflis Hamkari” assess negatively initiated legislative amendments on removal of the status to the historic monuments

Georgian Young Lawyers’ Association and “Tiflis Hamkari” assess negatively legislative initiative submitted by the government of Georgia to the Parliament introducing amendment to the Law on Cultural Heritage and altering significantly the applicable regulation on removal of the monument status.   As it is known to public, according to Article 17 of the Law of Georgia on Cultural Heritage cancellation of a status shall be admissible only on the basis of a relevant opinion and if the listed property in question has obliterated or damaged to such a degree that has lost its historical or cultural value and cannot be restored, or if judging by scientific (methodological) criteria it has lost features for which it had been granted a monument status.  

2013-11-14 11:14 See more

GYLA’s Statement on Zugdidi Incident

Georgian Young Lawyers’ Association voices its position in terms of Zugdidi incident.  According to the released information, Kakha Gulordava abused physically Goga Anchabadze - patrol police officer. He cut off his ear, undressed him and left him in the vicinity of Zugdidi College. Mass media provides that the motive was Anchabadze’s attempt to rape Gulordava’s pregnant wife. Anchabadze tuned to be Gulordavas’s childhood friend and best man.  

2013-11-14 10:34 See more

GYLA voices its position on the initiated draft aiming to impose certain obligations on lawyers

Amendments to the ”Law of Georgia Promoting Prevention of Legalization of Illegal Incomes” and to the Law of Georgia on Attorneys were initiated in the Parliament of Georgia. The draft aims to bring Georgian legislation in line with recommendations of the “Financial Actions Task Force” (FATF).  To our regret, the process of draft preparation was not transparent enough. It was implemented without lawyers’ participation, consideration of their arguments and detailed examination of the document.  This week, the Parliament of Georgia plans to adopt the draft in the second reading. GYLA opines that Parliamentary discussions should be prolonged and adoption of the law at the second reading be postponed. 

2013-11-13 01:20 See more

GYLA and the Caucasus Institute for Peace, Democracy and Development Held Presentation of the Research on Circular Migration Jointly with the Secretariat of the Government Commission on Migration Issues

On November 12, 2013, the Georgian Young Lawyers’ Association and the Caucasus Institute for Peace, Democracy and Development held presentation of the research “Circular Migration” prepared in the framework of the joint project “Promoting well managed migration between EU and Georgia”.

2013-11-12 06:49 See more

Statement Regarding Specialization of Supreme Court Judges

The Coalition for an Independent and Transparent Judiciary, which unites more than 30 non-governmental organizations, has been actively working on the reformation of judiciary. The reform covers various aspects and along with the improvement of legislation, it is important to eradicate shortcomings existing in the practice. In this regard, the Coalition has showed interested towards issues related to specialization of judges of the Supreme Court. 

2013-11-08 07:01 See more

GYLA releases post-election monitoring results concerning discussion of complaints in district election commissions and calculation of election results

GYLA implemented post election monitoring in Tbilisi and 36 district election commissions. In case of revealing violation, GYLA applied to district election commissions and courts with relevant complaints.    In the moment of submitting complaints GYLA paid particular attention to liability of commission members who violated law, as to the tool for preventing further violations.  It should be noted that post elections day complaints mainly concerned technical gaps, such as filling out election documentation incorrectly/incomprehensively. Number of complaints was written regarding filling out the summary protocol and the control sheet incorrectly. In addition, the complaints were submitted on failure to observe certain procedural issues, such as problems with the seal of the precinct election commission or submission of unstamped log book or registration book and etc.  

2013-11-08 05:08 See more