Working hours: Mon-Fri (10:00 - 18:00)

GYLA’s Media Legal Defense Center voices its position on the ongoing proceeding in the Georgian National Communications’ Commission (GNCC) in terms of annulment of radio broadcasting license granted to “Energy Group” LCC (radio Zeniti)

In the framework of the competition announced for issuing license on application of the radio frequency, on August 26, 2013 the Georgian National Communications’ Commission announced “Energy Group” LCC a winner and granted the license on radio broadcasting. “Broadcasting Company Hereti” LCC also participated in the competition. The company challenged August 26, 2013 decision of the Commission, as adopted with violation of law and claimed transfer of the license to “the Broadcasting Company Hereti” LCC.   

2013-12-17 03:57 See more

Statement of Georgian Young Lawyers’ Association, the International Society for Fair Elections and Democracy and Transparency International – Georgia about Rules for Electing Mayors and Governors and Scope of their Authority

Draft of the Code on Local Self-Government submitted to the Parliament of Georgia introduces an important initiative of direct elections for offices of Governors (Mayors), which we have been advocating for a long time. Regrattably, the proposed draft also contains a provision that weakens the importance of the institute of elected Governors and Mayors.  In particular, Article 48 of the Code envisages a motion of no confidence against elected Governors (Mayors). The motion can be raised by more than half of member of Sakrebulo on current nominal list or 20% of registered voters in the municipality.  

2013-12-16 03:51 See more

GYLA disapproves of postponement of competitions in local self-government agencies

Georgian Young Lawyers’ Association submitted to the Parliament legal opinion on the draft amendments to the law on “Civil Service”. Gia Zhorzholiani, MP is the author and initiator of the draft. The initiative envisages extension of the tenure for acting civil servants of local self-government and accordingly postponement of competitions on vacant positions, which affects negatively stability of the civil service and its further development.  

2013-12-12 01:23 See more

Address to the Prime Minister of Georgia

It should be noted that elaboration of the final version of the Civil Service Reform Concept and its further implementation is among the key issues of the state’s political agenda. It is the obligation of the Civil Service Bureau to elaborate operational standards, instructions, other methodological and normative documents and drafts of legislative proposals.  Furthermore, the competences of the bureau also include other important issues, in particular acceptance and publication of property declarations of high public officials, examination of the applied practice of civil servants’ recruitment, attestation, promotion and dismissals and development of relevant recommendations. In general, effective, transparent and consistent operation of the Civil Service Bureau makes important impact on state’s public policy.  

2013-12-12 01:22 See more

Human Rights Committee of the Parliament Reviews GYLA’s Legislative Proposal about Victims of Political Repression

Today, Human Rights Committee of the Parliament of Georgia reviews GYLA’s legislative proposal on introducing amendments and additions to the Law of Georgia on “Declaration of the Citizens of Georgia as Victims of Political Repression and on Social Protection.” The amendments are aimed at ensuring due recognition of the rights of victims of soviet repression, their protection and realization in practice.  

2013-12-12 01:21 See more

GYLA Voices its Position on Dismissal of Employees from the Prosecutor’s Office of Georgia

Some senior officials dismissed from the Prosecutor’s Office after appointing the new Prosecutor General applied to GYLA. As they reported, they were asked to write applications on resignation. The demand was mainly voiced by Giorgi Gabitashvili, the new deputy prosecutor general. He summoned prosecutors to his room and asked them to write letters of resignation. However, as the applicants allege, none of them were explained the reason.   

2013-12-11 07:34 See more

Successfully litigated cases in November

With assistance of a lawyer from GYLA’s Tbilisi office  the beneficiary was  relieved of reimbursement of GEL 75 577, the cost for improperly appointed medical treatment   GYLA’s lawyer represented T.K.’s and her son’s interests in the case against the medical institution. The applicant demanded to impose on T.K. payment of the cost for medical treatment conducted to his husband in the amount of GEL 75, 577 and to alienate real property of his son A.R. at the bidding, since as the applicant (medical institution) reported, the property was registered  fraudulently on A.R.’s name.   

2013-12-11 05:23 See more

GYLA Submitted to the Parliament Legal Opinion on the Draft Code of Local Self-Government

In view of the format of the first reading of the draft, GYLA submitted to the Parliament legal opinion on the draft code of local self-government. Firstly, we would like to highlight that the initiated reform is vital with its essence and the scope. Applicable system of local self-government is not sufficiently developed, it is not oriented adequately on citizens’ involvement in decision making process and needs to be amended. Accordingly, GYLA supports the initiated reform.   

2013-12-10 05:40 See more

GYLA’s Statement on International Human Rights Day

December 10 is the international human rights day. Human rights are the supreme and eternal human values and safe, free and dignified live and development of each of us depends on observance of these principles.  Accordingly, human rights and freedoms were conferred special importance by the Constitution and legislation of Georgia and number of international instruments.  As provided by the Constitution, “while exercising authority, the people and the State shall be bound by these rights and freedoms as by directly acting law.” 

2013-12-10 02:07 See more

Address by Nongovernmental Organizations on the Occasion of the International Anti-Corruption Day

To President of Georgia, Mr Giorgi Margvelashvili To Chairman of Georgian Parliament, Mr Davit Usupashvili To Prime Minister of Georgia, Mr Irakli Gharibashvili     Address by Nongovernmental Organizations on the Occasion of the International Anti-Corruption Day     The world marks the International Anti-Corruption Day today. On this occasion, we would like to present to you our views concerning the current situation in our country in terms of the fight against corruption and to offer our vision of the priorities for future reform. 

2013-12-09 02:00 See more