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Today Georgian Young Lawyers`Association (GYLA) submitted a complaint in the Prosecutor’s Office of Tbilisi on behalf of Lasha Katsia to confer the status of victim on him. Submission of the complaint became necessary after the denial of victim status to Lasha Katsia by the case supervisor prosecutor. Without the status of victim Lasha Katsia loses the possibility to get to know the case materials and to be informed about the progress made in the investigation of violence committed against him. Also, he cannot benefit from the rights given to the victim by the procedural law and has only the status of witness in the case.

2018-04-18 10:49 See more


The investigation of Irakli Khoperia’s case is dragged on

2018-04-17 17:18 See more

GYLA Disapproves Tightening Sanctions on Posters and Banners

GYLA Disapproves Tightening Sanctions on Posters and Banners.

2018-04-17 10:32 See more

Georgian National Communications Commission was not entitled to grant authorization to "NTV Plus"

Georgian National Communications Commission was not entitled to grant authorization to "NTV Plus". According to the Departmental Registry of Georgian National Communications Commission, "NTV Plus" has been the entity authorized to provide satellite transit broadcasting services since 2016. As NTV Plus announced, entering Georgia is not just a business project, but also a "social mission".

2018-04-16 18:05 See more

Johannes Hahn's Response to Georgian Civil Society's Letter about the law on Labour Safety

Johannes Hahn's Response Letter to Georgian Civil Society's Letter about the law on Labour Safety in Georgia

2018-04-16 11:27 See more

Application of tax privileges to high mountainous regions is discriminatory

On April 10, 2018, the Georgian Young Lawyers' Association (GYLA) filed a lawsuit with the Constitutional Court of Georgia and requested the cancellation of the normative content of the provision in the Tax Code which does not allow equal application of tax privileges to residents of the high mountainous regions.

2018-04-13 16:19 See more

GYLA held discussions with students on the importance of ICHANGE

GYLA introduced students to the ichange portal. Discussions were held at Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Tbilisi State Medical University, Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University and Ozurgeti Professional College ,,Horizont’’.  

2018-04-12 14:44 See more

The coalition proposes legislative amendments for reforming the High School of Justice and the institution of court chairs

The Coalition for an Independent and Transparent Judiciary has submitted two additional legislative proposals to the Parliament of Georgia that involve strengthening the independence of the High School of Justice and changing the role of court chairs and their selection procedure. The Coalition has previously submitted proposals regarding the system of disciplinary liability of judges.

2018-04-12 13:01 See more

Coalition for ,,Euro Atlantic Georgia’’ supports the peace initiative ,,Step for a Better Future’’

The Coalition for ,,Euro Atlantic Georgia’’ welcomes and supports the peace initiative of the Government of Georgia ,,Step for a Better Future’’, which was developed through the public involvement and a package of relevant legislative amendments.

2018-04-10 10:44 See more

Joint Statement of No to Phobia Civil Platform and the Coalition for Equality about Attack on Black Students

The attack on black students in the evening of April 8 in Dighmis Masivi is extremely alarming. Video of the event shows racist statements and motives of attackers. Together with recently identified other crimes motivated by intolerance, this incident indicates that the state should implement a consistent and systemic anti-discrimination policy.   Vide of the event shows that several black students were attacked, physically assaulted and verbally abused outside a sports field on Beliashvili Street. According to the students, violent actions perpetrated against them were motivated by their skin color. Attackers also demanded that they leave the country. 

2018-04-09 17:47 See more