Working hours: Mon-Fri (10:00 - 18:00)

This Affects You responds to the statements of Mechiauri and Lortkipanidze

This Affects You campaign responds to the public statements made by the members of the Georgian Dream coalition and Members of the Parliament of Georgia Tamaz Mechiauri and Davit Lortkipanidze. Tamaz Mechiauri, when commenting on publication of secret video recordings, said that ‘officials, who are in secret video recordings, should resign”, while Davit Lortkipanidze used an unethical phrase directed at an anchorwoman on live TV.  

2016-03-25 18:42 See more

GYLA’s proposals about OGP 2016-2017 Action Plan

In December 2015, term of effect of Georgia’s Second Action Plan 2014-2015 for the Open Government Partnership (OGP) expired. Regrettably, Georgia could not fulfill the following two important obligations in the OGP 2014-2015 Action Plan: 

2016-03-17 12:57 See more

A letter to the Prime Minister of Georgia on the 2016 Selection of Judicial Candidates for the European Court of Human Rights

This letter addresses the process of selection of judicial candidates from Georgia for the European Court of Human Rights. 

2016-03-11 14:05 See more

GYLA highlights problematic aspects of the legislative package prepared by the Ministry of Internal Affairs

On March 7, 2016, the Committee for Protection of Human Rights and Civic Integration discussed proposed amendments to the Law of Georgia on Road Traffic and related legislative acts, prepared by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia and initiated by the Government of Georgia. 

2016-03-11 12:25 See more

Illegal construction works at 13 Vazha-Pshavela Street in Batumi should be immediately terminated

With this statement we react to the developments around the cultural heritage monument at Vazha-Pshavela 13 in Batumi and state the following: 

2016-03-10 15:52 See more

GYLA presented trial monitoring results

On March 10, 2016, Georgian Young Lawyers’ Association presented results of monitoring trials in the city and appellate courts of Kutaisi and Tbilisi. The trial monitoring is carried out by GYLA with financial support form the US Agency for International Development through the project Promoting Rule of Law in Georgia (PROLoG), implemented by the East-West Management Institute (EWMI). 

2016-03-10 14:19 See more

GYLA will represent Eka Mishveladze before court

Today Eka Mishveladze filed against the Public Broadcaster in Tbilisi City Court, requesting invalidation of the resolutions on dismissal of Eka Mishveladze from work and cancellation of social and political talk show Pirveli Studia (First Studio), restoring Eka Mishveladze to work and other consequent requests. She also requested compensation for moral damage as a result of discriminatory actions. Georgian Young Lawyers’ Association will represent Eka Mishveladze before court. 

2016-03-07 13:16 See more

Statement regarding the recent events surrounding the Constitutional Court

The Coalition for an Independent and Transparent Judiciary intends to provide comments on the recent developments surrounding the Constitutional Court and to the statement from February 29, 2016 by George Papuashvili, the President of the Constitutional Court. Mr. Papuashvili talked about a deal offered by the Minister of Justice, pointing out that the Minister had promised that he and one more member of the Constitutional Court would have their membership in the Venice Commission extended in return for close cooperation with the authorities. The Coalition notes that such communication, if it really took place, poses a threat to independent operation of the country’s major constitutional institutions and to the independent and impartial administration of justice.

2016-03-04 14:19 See more

The High Council of Justice dismissed Mamuka Akhvlediani in violation of the law

Yesterday the High Council of Justice made a decision to dismiss Mamuka Khvlediani from the position of the Tbilisi City Court Chair.  The dismissal resolution referred to the case assignment decisions made by Mamuka Akhvlediani.  The members of the High Council believe that Tbilisi City Court Chair ignored the will of the High Council of Justice and abused his power by assuming the Council’s authority. 

2016-02-23 15:44 See more

Statement of GYLA about Magda Papidze’s Case

We would like to respond to the interim information released by the Georgian Prosecution Service about Magda Papidze’s criminal case. We believe that type and nature of the report, the terminology used and concrete evidence provided in detail is substantially limiting and harmful to the defendant’s rights. The information may also have a negative impact on future course of the proceedings. 

2016-02-19 20:23 See more