Working hours: Mon-Fri (10:00 - 18:00)

GYLA Responds to the Statement of Tbilisi City Hall

In response to GYLA’s press conference, following a statement made by Tbilisi City Hall about the process of rehabilitation of Tbilisi, in order to shed more light to the issue we deem it necessary to provide public with information about issues addressed by the statement of Tbilisi City Hall.  GYLA does not share the explanation made by Tbilisi City Hall about public procurement and believes that it is wrongfully interpreting the term “public procurement”. The Law of Georgia on Public Procurement qualifies the following as state procurement: procurement of any goods, services and construction works by a procuring organization with state funds as well as funds of the autonomous republic and self-government units. Therefore, when dealing with an issue of public procurement, legal status of procuring organization as well as origins of procurement funds are important, and the powers exercised by the entity concerned. 

2012-12-29 01:13 See more

Statement of GYLA in reaction to the Draft Law on Amendments to the Law on Higher Education

Analysis of practice of adoption of laws by the parliament throughout the recent period illustrates that draft laws are considered and adopted in violation of the standards of transparency and with lack of involvement of stakeholders, which GYLA released a public statement about on December 20. This is particularly problematic in light of the fact that the legislative authorities are considering several important draft laws in expedited manner, and the decision to commence the procedure of consideration of these draft laws was made only last Tuesday. 

2012-12-28 07:55 See more

Statement of NGOs on Launch of the Decentralization Reform and the Situation in Self-Government Agencies

The new political force that came into power in Georgia following the October 1, 2012 parliamentary elections, declared self-government reform in Georgia as one of the key priorities.   Recent reforms in the field throughout the last 20 years envisaged formation of a vertical dimension of the government instead of reinforcing self-government, in which local self-government grew to be a function-less supplement of the central authorities. It is the flaw of the existing system that transfer of power in the central authorities triggers the process in which members of the former ruling party in the self-government are voluntarily or forcefully leaving the ruling party for the new political force in power. This was the case when the Round Table, the Citizens’ Union and Aghordzineba lost power.

2012-12-28 01:04 See more

Legal Drafting

One of the means to achieve objectives declared in GYLA’s regulations is its active participation in legislative process. For over the years GYLA has been continuously monitoring the process of legal drafting, preparing legal opinions about important bills initiated in the parliament, pre...

2012-12-26 02:46 See more

Legal Education

GYLA’s legal education program is as many years old as GYLA itself. In early 90s, after GYLA was founded and was making first steps, the educational system was in shambles in the country. After graduating from higher institutes, students remained with nothing but a mere paper – a di...

2012-12-26 02:40 See more

September 28 – International Right to Know Day

On September 28, International Right to Know Day is celebrated worldwide. Freedom of information is one of the fundamental rights that should not be violated.    September 28 was solemnly proclaimed by representatives of NGOs from all over the world in Sofia as t...

2012-12-26 02:39 See more

December 10 – Human Rights Day

60 years ago, on December 10, 1948, the UN General Assembly adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights recognizing fundamental human rights.    GYLA celebrates the Human Rights Day every year on December 10, marking the day with series of events. 

2012-12-26 02:38 See more

June 26 - International Day in Support for Victims of Torture

Based on the recommendation of ECOSOC, on 12 December 1997, the UN General Assembly proclaimed 26 June the United Nations International Day in Support of Victims of Torture, with a view to eradication of torture and the effective functioning of the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, In...

2012-12-26 02:34 See more

Domestic Violence

Over the years, Georgian Young Lawyers’ Association has been working on issues of domestic violence. Currently GYLA is implementing the project Raising Public Awareness on Protection of Women’s Rights, aimed at developing special skills for victims of domestic violence and sharing a...

2012-12-26 02:31 See more

Property Rights

Protection of property rights has been one of the priorities of the work of GYLA for over the years. Frequency and scale of violation of property rights has become a concern of human rights organizations a number of times.  Promoting Protection of Property Rights in Anaklia, Mestia an...

2012-12-26 02:30 See more