Working hours: Mon-Fri (10:00 - 18:00)

Successful Cases in September

A citizen of Nigeria was able to obtain Georgia’s residence permit with the help of GYLA  Beneficiary of legal aid provided by GYLA’s office in Tbilisi, a citizen of the Republic of Nigeria S.A.E. had its claim granted in part by the board of administrative cases of Tbilisi City Court. The latter ordered the Agency for the Development of State Services to revisit the issue of providing a residency permit to the applicant. The decision was also upheld by the appellate court and entered its legal force. 

2013-10-10 01:23 See more

The report of NGO Coalition concerning fulfillment of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights by Georgia

The report of NGO Coalition concerning fulfillment of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights by Georgia has been prepared to sum up the research carried out by NGO Coalition, including GYLA.  NGOs have united in the Coalition with a view to evaluate fulfillment of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights by Georgia. 

2013-10-09 05:29 See more

GYLA calls on the General Prosecutor of Georgia to Investigate David Kapanadze’s case

On October 8, media released information about David Kapanadze who was beaten by policeman and sustained gross bodily injuries as a result. GYLA visited David Kapanadze and concluded that information provided by him contains elements of offence. As Mr. Kapanadze has reported he is a choreographer, and works in two schools in Tbilisi. In addition he alleged that he had some verbal conflict with another choreographer T.Zh. 

2013-10-09 04:10 See more

GYLA voices its position concerning the delay of Bacho Akhalaia’s trial

GYLA has been monitoring court hearings on Bacho Akhalaia’s case and concludes that prosecution’s conduct contains signs of deliberate delay of the trial.    On the September 17th hearing, the prosecutor Revaz Nadoi had to submit his closing argument, however it was not done for his absence (it should be noted that the day before, on September 16th, the hearing on Megis Kardava’s and others case was postponed on the basis of Nadoi’s written application where he stated that preparation for the closing argument on Akhalaia’s case was the reason of postponement). At the next hearing Revaz Nadoi, failed to appear for his worsened health condition, however, the case still misses the relevant medical document justifying the fact.   

2013-10-08 09:04 See more

GYLA applied to the State Audit Service

As it is known to public, GYLA held presentation of the report “Rehabilitation Process beyond the Facade” on September 24 and 27, 2013 in Tbilisi and Batumi.   The report discusses in details the the program for Rehabilitation of Historic Districts and Tourism Infrastructure in Batumi carried out by Batumi local self-government in 2009-2013.  The projects funded in the framework of the Program, such as construction of Alphabetic Tower and Piazza Square, as well as Historic Fort and Opera House are submitted separately in the report. Important part of this report also addresses monuments with the status of cultural heritage in Batumi.  

2013-10-08 06:56 See more

The Statement of Media Advocacy Coalition on the Current Situation in Georgian Public Broadcaster

Media Advocacy Coalition considers situation in the Public Broadcaster alarming.     Two members of the Board of Trustees wrote an application on resignation, while others link their decision to the implemented pressure on the Board. Other members also alleged about coercion. Moreover, seven members left in the Board are not authorized to make decisions. Following dismissal of the general director acting director manages the public broadcaster.  The process of closing programs and selecting new projects on the Channel I is not transparent and is carried out without public consultations. According to official statement, public broadcaster suffers severe financial crisis that puts at risk proper functioning of the channel.   

2013-10-04 02:38 See more

Coalition for an Independent and Transparent Judiciary Appeals the Parliament of Georgia for Suspension of the Amendments to the Law on Common Courts

The Coalition for an Independent and Transparent Judiciary states again its position concerning the draft law initiated by Shalva Shavgulidze on “Introducing  Amendments to the Organic Law of Georgia on Common Courts” to be discussed by the Parliament of Georgia. As it is known, the Parliament considers the draft by second reading with an accelerated manner today. In addition, today Mr. Konstantine Kublashvili, Chairman of the Supreme Court, expressed his position regarding the legislative draft and suggested temporary suspension of the discussion. In view of above we considered necessary to  express our position once again.  

2013-10-03 11:33 See more

GYLA lodged a complaint against the Administration of the President

For the past period, various media outlets and social networks released information on the President of Georgia funding tuition fees and other expenses associated with studies for Georgian citizens enrolled in master's study programs abroad with a view to promote receiving of education in foreign countries.  Public remains unaware of directions and faculties that were granted priority by the special commission set up upon the president's order, about total budget envisaged for that program  and the list of individuals who received such funding, as well as the sum allocated per person.    

2013-10-03 09:44 See more

With assistance of a lawyer from GYLA’s Tbilisi office, D.K. the defendant, has been dismissed from the courtroom

The lawyer from GYLA’s Tbilisi office was representing defendant D.K.’s interests in the criminal case before the court.  D.K. has been accused as per Article 19-178(3) of the Penal Code of Georgia, attempt of robbery by a group with advance agreement envisaging deprivation of liberty from 5 to 8 years.  

2013-10-03 08:20 See more

Presentation of the elections portal

Today, on October 2, 2013 organizations “International Society for Fair Elections and Democracy”, “Georgian Young Lawyers’ Association”, “Transparency International Georgia” and “Jumpstart Georgia” held presentation of the elections portal in Holiday Inn at 12:00. is a webpage jointly created by different NGOs and it provides to interested individuals comprehensive information about elections in Georgia. The map of violations enables users to observe online election gaps revealed by three organizations and to publish determined incidents on the web-page by sending the free SMS on the number 90039.  

2013-10-03 02:17 See more