Working hours: Mon-Fri (10:00 - 18:00)

Electon Day Observation Results by 10:00

 By 10:00 the voting process is conducted in a calm environment. The majority of the electoral polling stations, in which GYLA observers are present, were prepared for the first voter in a timely manner. The majority of those polling stations were properly equipped.    The identified problems mainly related to the procedure of casting of lots, control sheet and letting the observer inside the polling station. It is notable that in a number of cases, the Precinct Election Commission chairpersons have considered the remarks by GYLA observers, due to which GYLA observers did not file the complaints. 

2014-07-12 11:43 See more

GYLA’s Election Observation Mission

 From the day of its establishment in 1994, GYLA actively observes the elections of  legislative and executive branches and local self-government bodies and aims to support conduct of elections in a peaceful and fair environment with steadfast protection of the legislation of Georgia in the electoral process. 

2014-07-11 14:03 See more

Successfully Litigated Cases in July

Beneficiary was found not guilty Lawyer of GYLA’s office in Tbilisi was protecting interests of V.Sh.. He had been found guilty by the first instance court under Article 220 of the Criminal Code of Georgia (abuse of managing, representative or other special authority in an enterprise or other organization to the detriment of the legal interests of this organization, for the purpose of obtaining a benefit or advantage for himself/herself or for someone else, resulting in significant damage. He had been ordered to 2 (two) years and 6 (six) months of deprivation of freedom as a form of punishment, as well as a fine in the amount of 100 000 laris as a form of additional punishment. 

2014-07-11 10:18 See more

GYLA applies to the General Prosecutor and the Appellate Court about the journalist of Tabula TV and other individuals sentenced to administrative liability

GYLA has been protecting interests of the employee of “Tabula TV” and his two other companions  brought to administrative liability, who were detained by police officers on June 28, 2014 as per Article 173  of the Administrative Code of Offences (disobedience to lawful order of the police). Shortly after his detention information was released about alleged abuse of power by police and violation of the detainees’ rights.

2014-07-09 17:48 See more

According to media reports, Chorbishop of Catholicos-Patriarch of Georgia Jakob (Konstantine Iakobashvili) made illegal political calls during Sunday sermon containing signs of pre-election campaign

During the Sunday sermon the chorbishop urged parish to actively participate in the self-government elections and not to allow the victory of a particular political subject: “we must go to the elections and make our choice, in order to reject those who are not repenting for what they have done to the country, [who] have dishonored the nation, [and] are now trying to come back.” Further, the chorbishop criticized policy of the former government “Now that they want to come back into power, what are they promising us?!” He made certain suggestions as to which political party to support: “I am not saying that those who are in power are doing everything right.

2014-07-08 19:10 See more

Successfully Litigated Cases in June

 The court considered head of Khoni local council innocent and delivered an acquittal With assistance from GYLA’s Kutaisi branch, the Suprme Court considered the head of Khoni local council G.G. innocent and delivered an acquittal. G.G. was accused of abuse of official duties. Namely, according to the resolution of conviction, he abused official duties in violation of public interests and thus inflicted to the state material damage in the amount of GEL 10200. It should be noted that the first instance court had already delivered an acquittal on the case, which was later annulled by the Appellate Court and G.G. was considered guilty in submitted charges.  

2014-07-07 11:43 See more

GYLA Statement on Giorgi Ugulava Case

Investigation of a crime, revealing offenders and imposing legal responsibility represents primary obligation of the law-enforcement bodies. On the other hand, this obligation must be implemented in accordance with the rules prescribed by the law; the law-enforcement body must prove the law-compliance of the investigative actions and may only limit the rights of an any person in case of existence of the factual and legal grounds.

2014-07-04 16:27 See more

Presentation-discussion: “Work Permit and Labor Inspection: Germany, Netherlands, Poland”

On June 30, at 10:30 GYLA and the Caucasus Institute for Peace, Democracy and Development held presentation of the research “Work Permit and Labor Inspection: Germany, Netherlands, Poland”. Piotr Kzmiekevich, an expert from Poland is the author of the research. It has been prepared in the framework of the project “Promoting well-managed migration between Georgia and EU.”

2014-07-01 10:26 See more

Evaluation of the June 15, 2014 Local Self-Government Repeat Election Day

From the day of its establishment in 1994, GYLA actively observes the elections of the legislative, executive and local self-governments and aims to support conducing the elections in a peaceful, fair environment and a to support steadfast protection of the legislation of Georgia during the electoral processes.

2014-06-30 13:46 See more

Election Day Observation Results by 15:00

By 15:00 GYLA observers have identified the following violations:    Improper Set-up of the Polling Station  At the precinct #32 of the Zugdidi district, at approximately 07:30, during the opening of the polling station, it was revealed that the precinct election commission was not properly equipped. Specifically, the commission did not have the seals with individual numbers, which are necessary for sealing the basic and the mobile ballot boxes prior to starting the ballot-casting process. The precinct election commission sealed the basic and the mobile ballot boxes with the plain paper instead. The precinct election commission has explained that they had lost the seals. 

2014-06-29 17:31 See more