Working hours: Mon-Fri (10:00 - 18:00)

Statement of nongovernmental organizations on recent developments in the country

  The organizations that have prepared and signed this statement would like to respond to the tense developments in the country. We believe that various groups have recently stepped up the activities that pose a threat to the pluralism in the media and political pluralism as well as to the public order. There is a real threat of further escalation of the situation and violent actions, so all political and civil groups need to treat the situation with a special sense of responsibility. Attacks on the opposition United National Movement have been carried out in an organized manner over the last few days. A chronology and brief descriptions of the attacks are provided at the end of this statement. It has been reported that Georgian Dream activists, as well as heads of village administration and other representatives of local self-government bodies, were involved in the attacks that followed the protest rallies held outside the United National Movement’s offices in the capital and almost every region. Aside from the party offices, the attacks also targeted the Saakashvili Presidential Library. The timing and the manner of the attacks suggest that they were organized and planned in advance. Also, attacks were previously carried out against the Constitutional Court judges, prompting the Constitutional Court chairman to address the Georgian president, the Prime Minister and the Parliament Chairman with an extremely alarming statement and ask for the illegal actions against the court and its judges to be investigated. In order to fully understand the situation, it is necessary to keep in mind recent public screening of torture videos and public calls for violence, which also constitute a crime.

2015-10-23 10:01 See more

Statement on the arrest and two-month pre-trial detention of the Rustavi 2 supporters

This statement is issued in reaction to the arrest of Rustavi 2 TV Company supporters outside the parliamentary building for assaulting MP Davit Lortkipanidze of the faction Georgian Dream. The detainees were charged with hooliganism (Article 239 of the Criminal Code of Georgia), which constitutes serious crime and is punishable by deprivation of liberty from 4 to 7 years. Notably, reports indicate that whereabouts of the detainees were unknown for three ours, until Rustavi 2 reported that they were missing. They were sentenced to pre-trial detention as a measure of restraint. 

2015-10-06 14:43 See more

Statement on the arrest and two-month pre-trial detention of the Rustavi 2 supporters

  This statement is issued in reaction to the arrest of Rustavi 2 TV Company supporters outside the parliamentary building for assaulting MP Davit Lortkipanidze of the faction Georgian Dream. The detainees were charged with hooliganism (Article 239 of the Criminal Code of Georgia), which constitutes serious crime and is punishable by deprivation of liberty from 4 to 7 years. Notably, reports indicate that whereabouts of the detainees were unknown for three ours, until Rustavi 2 reported that they were missing. They were sentenced to pre-trial detention as a measure of restraint. 

2015-10-06 14:43 See more

Successful cases of GYLA in September

GYLA helped protect rights of victims of domestic violence Lawyers from offices of GYLA in Tbilisi and Kutaisi represented women victims of domestic violence. Restraining orders were issued at their request and perpetrators were prohibited from having any kind of relationship with the victims. 

2015-10-06 10:17 See more

Successful cases of GYLA in September

  GYLA helped protect rights of victims of domestic violence Lawyers from offices of GYLA in Tbilisi and Kutaisi represented women victims of domestic violence. Restraining orders were issued at their request and perpetrators were prohibited from having any kind of relationship with the victims. GYLA’s office in Zugdidi helped a beneficiary to register his property rights Lawyer of GYLA’s office in Zugdidi represented M.E., who had applied to Zugdidi Office of the National Agency of Public Registry, requesting specification of the borders and the area of his own property; however, Zugdidi Office decided to terminate registration proceedings. GYLA’s office in Zugdidi helped the beneficiary solve the problem – the court fully granted his claim.

2015-10-06 10:17 See more

Statement of the coalition about freezing of shares of Rustavi 2 majority shareholder

 Based on yesterday’s reports, court granted Kibar Khalvashi’s motion and froze shares of Rustavi 2 majority shareholder company Sakartvelo TV Ltd. that owns 51% of the shares, which may potentially result in suspension of operations of the most popular TV channel known for its criticism of the authorities. The said fact was preceded by a lawsuit filed by Kibar Khalvashi seeking to reclaim back his shares of Rustavi 2. By its August 5, 2015 decision, court simultaneously issued several interim orders in favor of the plaintiff and froze assets of Rustavi 2 TV Copmany as well as shares of the company shareholders. In addition, Director of Rustavi 2 was prohibited from discharging his authority as the company manager/executive. In view of the NGOs, the court’s decisions lacked substantiation and the interim orders were disproportional and unnecessary.

2015-10-02 16:35 See more

Statement of the coalition about freezing of shares of Rustavi 2 majority shareholder

Based on yesterday’s reports, court granted Kibar Khalvashi’s motion and froze shares of Rustavi 2 majority shareholder company Sakartvelo TV Ltd. that owns 51% of the shares, which may potentially result in suspension of operations of the most popular TV channel known for its criticism of the authorities. The said fact was preceded by a lawsuit filed by Kibar Khalvashi seeking to reclaim back his shares of Rustavi 2. By its August 5, 2015 decision, court simultaneously issued several interim orders in favor of the plaintiff and froze assets of Rustavi 2 TV Copmany as well as shares of the company shareholders. In addition, Director of Rustavi 2 was prohibited from discharging his authority as the company manager/executive. In view of the NGOs, the court’s decisions lacked substantiation and the interim orders were disproportional and unnecessary. 

2015-10-02 16:32 See more

Statement of the Young Lawyers’ Association Concerning the Decision of the High Council of Justice

 Georgian Young Lawyers’ Association releases this statement in reaction to the meeting of the High Council of Justice yesterday on September 28, when the Council discussed filling of 68 vacant positions in general courts of Georgia by judicial appointments/transfers, amongst other important matters. The decision made by the HCoJ as well as the process leading up to the decision, clearly shows that the work of the Council is ineffective. With its ineffectiveness, the Council further acerbates challenges and problems that exist in the court system that it tries to address by its fragmented, unsubstantiated and subjective decisions with questionable motives, as opposed to systemic, well-thought out and well-reasoned approach. 

2015-09-29 11:48 See more

The Coalition for an Independent and Transparent Statement on the Adoption of Amendments to the Law on the Prosecutor’s Office by the Parliament of Georgia on the Third Reading

On September 18, 2015 the Parliament of Georgia adopted the draft amendments to the Law on the Prosecutor’s Office on the third reading.   The amendments constitute the reform of the Prosecutor’s Office which according to the Government of Georgia.   The Coalition for an Independent and Transparent Judiciary got engaged in this process by publishing opinions on the draft law.  In its commentary the Coalition stressed that establishing a new rule for the selection/appointment and dismissal of Prosecutor General is not sufficient for the reform of the Prosecutor’s Office.  The Coalition also criticized the initial draft amendments, which did not guarantee depoliticization of the selection process.  Later, the Venice Commission developed a similar opinion, which stated that despite a generally positive direction of the process of reform, the draft law submitted for consideration did not provide guarantees for full depoliticization of the Prosecutor’s Office.   It needs to be stated once more that the Government did not adequately justify the lack of will and readiness for constitutional changes in this context. 

2015-09-25 17:03 See more

Statement of Members of NGO Platform No to Phobia on Acts of Racial Intolerance

 On September 21, a Facebook page named Georgian Ultras released a video footage of two incidents of assault of peaceful people in the streets of Tbilisi by an organized group. The videos were captioned as “Bergman against Negros. Hooligan firm of Dinamo often performs similar “cleaning works.” The hooligans from Tbilisi mostly target Negros but they also resist Turks and Arabians.” Notably, the Facebook page also featured another video, photo materials and symbols that illustrated hatred towards different ethnic and racial groups. The Facebook page is no longer accessible; however, media and non-governmental organizations were able to store the materials. Analysis of the video footage, photos and texts suggests that the group is well-organized and is propagating xenophobic ideas by means of social networks. In addition, it perpetrates physical violence against representatives of different racial and ethnic groups.

2015-09-23 14:25 See more