Working hours: Mon-Fri (10:00 - 18:00)

On the Special Statement of the CEO of Rustavi 2

On May 6, the CEO of Rustavi 2 - Nika Gvaramia and the employees of the TV channel issued a special statement. According to the CEO, the channel was under the audio and video surveillance. Nika Gvaramia presented the video and audio surveillance footage, recorded in the offices of Gvaramia and Deputy CEO Nino Shubladze, to the media. According to Gvaramia, the video footages were obtained from their informant from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and the footages depict the conversations taking place in the offices.

2014-05-07 20:00 See more

Successful Cases in April

With the Help of the Tbilisi Office of GYLA, Entrepreneur Will Be Reimbursed for the Illegally Seized Goods, Amounting to 77’161.20 GEL Tbilisi office of GYLA provided legal assistance to B. Q. B. Q. is the Individual Entrepreneur (IE), who’s goods, intended for the commercial purposes, were seized based on the tax violation protocol. The Tbilisi Appellate Court recognized the tax violation protocol of the Revenue Service and the tax duty to be invalid and recognized the right of the B. Q. to receive the seized property back. 

2014-05-05 11:44 See more

NGOs campaigning to end illegal surveillance respond to PM's accusations

At the May 1 sitting of the Government of Georgia Prime Minister Irakli Gharibashvili made insulting statements towards activities of non-governmental organizations involved in This Affects You campaign. 

2014-05-01 19:52 See more

GYLA Calls Upon the MIA to Conduct Objective Examination of the Kvareli Incident and to Provide Proper Response

As already known, on April 25 2014, the police detained the elected Governor (Gamgebeli) of Kvareli Municipality and Judo Federation President – Davit Qevkhishvili, along with the three Village Trustees (persons appointed by the Governor) of the Municipality, members of the “Georgian Dream” and other citizens – total of 17 persons. GYLA provided legal representation to five of the detained persons; Davit Qevkhishvili, among others. GYLA published the statement on April 28 in relation to this case.

2014-05-01 13:24 See more

GYLA Statement on the International Workers’ Day

The International Workers’ Day is celebrated on May 1. The right to work is the essential component of the social rights and relates to the essence of the socially oriented state, the main goal of which is ensuring proper existence of humans. The constitution of Georgia protects the rights of workers, which includes the possibility for individuals to be employed based on their will and according to their capabilities; therefore, not to be subject to coercive, humiliating or degrading work environment.

2014-04-30 18:26 See more

Organizations, Participating in the Campaign “This Affects You Too – They are Still Listening” Address the Parliament and the Government of Georgia

According to the Regulations of the Parliament of Georgia, the plenary sessions will not be conducted in the parliament of Georgia for one month prior to the local self-government elections. Therefore, consideration and enactment of the legislative regulations on the covert surveillance may be postponed. 

2014-04-29 12:00 See more

GYLA and ISFED Submit the Complaint to the Constitutional Court on the Prohibition to Nominate the Mayoral/Governor Candidate by the Voters’ Initiative Group

On April 28 2014, the Georgian Young Lawyers’ Association (GYLA) and the International Society for Fair Elections and Democracy (ISFED) addressed the Constitutional Court of Georgia, representing six (6) residents of Tbilisi. The residents requested to declare unconstitutional the provisions of the code, which allow only political parties and electoral unions to nominate the mayoral/governor candidates. The NGOs consider that the disputed provisions, creating unequal environment among the party-nominated candidates and the independent candidates violate the right to ban the discrimination, guaranteed under the Article 14 of the Constitution of Georgia.

2014-04-29 10:53 See more

GYLA’s Statement on the Developments in Kvareli Municipality

 As already known, on April 25, 2014 the police arrested the elected Governor (Gamgebeli) of the Kvareli Municipality and Judo Federation President – Davit Qevkhishvili. The police also arrested three Village Trustees (persons appointed by the Governor) of the Municipality, “Georgian Dream” members and citizens, total of 17 persons.

2014-04-28 12:37 See more

The Address of the NGOs and the Religious Organizations to the Government on the Draft Law on Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination

We, the undersigned organizations, recognize the importance of the enactment of the Anti-Discrimination Legislation for the introduction of high standards of the human rights and the democracy. We welcome the efforts of the Government of Georgia in this regard and at the same time, we would like to note, that the enactment of the Anti-Discrimination Legislation package is prescribed under the Visa Liberalization Action Plan and is one of the EU requests to revoke the short-term visas for the citizens of Georgia. However, we consider that it is important to introduce a number of corrections to the draft law to make it more effective  and to ensure that each individual is able to exercise their rights, provided under the legislation of Georgia, effectively and in equality, despite their race, skin color, language, sex, age, citizenship, origin, birth, residence, property or title, religion or beliefs, national, ethnic or social affiliation, profession, family status, health condition, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, political or other views or any other feature. 

2014-04-28 12:37 See more

GYLA Requests Effective Investigation on Taking the Infants Abroad Illegally

Georgian Young Lawyers’ Association (GYLA) was addressed by the association “Hope of Future”, which informed GYLA of child birth certificate falsification for the purpose of taking the infants abroad. According to the information provided by the “Hope of Future” the presumably criminal scheme operated in the following way: the infants were conceived using the donor cells; the obtained embryos were then transplanted to and nurtured in the uteruses of the surrogate mothers.

2014-04-25 14:55 See more