Working hours: Mon-Fri (10:00 - 18:00)

GYLA addresses the main prosecutor of Georgia

GYLA addresses the main prosecutor of Georgia - Giorgi Badashvili with a statement, to initiate an investigation regarding the eviction of the "SONY" official distributor in Georgia from the legally owned real estate. 

2014-09-29 15:13 See more

CSOs respond to recent attacks on the Muslim Community of Kobuleti

We, the signatory organizations, once again express concern over incidents of intolerance displayed relating to the opening of the Muslim boarding school in Kobuleti. We urge the authorities to immediately take necessary measures to protect the freedom of religion and the right to education of the Muslim community.  

2014-09-25 15:43 See more

Confrontations between Government and President is damaging to the country

The public has recently been witness to a conflict between two branches of the government. This conflict is undermining the Constitution and preventing the President from fulfilling his role as it is defined therein. Moreover, it illustrates the emergence of informal governance whereby a private citizen is able to exert undue influence on government.

2014-09-19 22:05 See more

The Constitutional Court has released the foreign students from the obligation to pay the fees for the school education

On September 12/2014, the Constitutional Court of Georgia has announced the decision on the constitutional lawsuit of GYLA. The lawsuit was submitted on behalf of the six (6) foreign students residing in Akhalkalaki (the citizens of Russia and Armenia). The Constitutional Court of Georgia has upheld the mentioned lawsuit, invalidating the provisions, which impose an obligation over the citizens of other countries to pay a specific sum for receiving the school voucher. 

2014-09-13 18:13 See more

NGOs Condemn Dismissals of Public Servants from Tbilisi City Hall on Alleged Political Grounds

With this statement we react to reports of recent illegal dismissals of public servants from Tbilisi City Hall and pressure to force them leave their jobs. As they have themselves reported, since early August 2014, together with other employees of Tbilisi City Hall they have been constantly subjected to pressure to force them into “willingly” leaving their jobs.  They have also stated that these illegal actions are perpetrated with the involvement of heads and deputy heads of various departments of Tbilisi City Hall, citing their political views as grounds for dismissal. They are also threatened with criminal prosecution. 

2014-09-12 14:38 See more

Successfully litigated cases in August

 With GYLA’s assistance, an individual managed to register his title in public register    GYLA’s Ajara branch represented in a court N.M.’s interests, whose flat located in Batumi was registered on his name in technical registration bureau, though for failure to submit the sales agreement Batumi registration service of National Agency of Public Register refused to register the apartment.  

2014-09-01 12:02 See more

Statement of GYLA on Sentencing former President of Georgia to Pre-Trial Imprisonment as Measure of Restraint

On August 5, Tbilisi Appellate Court deemed complaint filed by the defense in Mikheil Saakashvili’s case as inadmissible, thus upholding August 1, 2014 verdict of Tbilisi City Court sentencing former President of Georgia to pre-trial detention as a measure of restraint. The trial was attended by GYLA’s lawyer specializing in criminal law; also, we are familiar with the decision of Tbilisi City Court. Trial monitoring or the analysis of the court’s decision has not revealed any circumstances to prove that the court’s verdict was unsubstantiated or that sentencing of pre-trial detention violated Constitutional or legal rights and principles.

2014-08-08 17:19 See more

NGOs respond to Amendments to the Law on Illegal Surveillance

The campaign "It Affects You Too" welcomes the decision of the Parliament of Georgia regarding the adoption of amendments to the current law on illegal surveillance. We believe that constitutional guarantees of personal privacy will be significantly improved through adoption of these amendments. The current legislation will move toward best practices of European countries and  standards of the Jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights.   

2014-08-04 16:25 See more

Nongovernmental organizations react to charges against former president Saakashvili

We would like to respond to the decision by the Georgian Chief Prosecutor’s Office to bring criminal charges against the former president of Georgia and other high-ranking officials.

2014-08-01 17:27 See more

Presentation of the Research - “Media Monitoring of the Election Campaign” – Analysis of Practice

On July 31, 2014 GYLA held presentation of the research “Media Monitoring of Election Campaign – Analysis of Practice.” The research covers media monitoring conducted by the National Communications Commission and public organizations of the 2012 Parliamentary Elections, 2013 Presidential Elections and  2014 local government elections.

2014-07-31 12:59 See more