Sakdrisi-Kachaghiani - the Law is Being Violated Again

On December 12, 2014, based on the decisions made by the Ministry of Culture and Monument Protection of Georgia and the National Agency for Cultural Heritage Preservation of Georgia, the company “RMG Gold” has renewed the wide-scale works at the oldest gold mine of Sakdrisi-Kachaghiani, under the name of deconstruction of an archaeological object. Renewal of those works represents a crime, because the Tbilisi City Court has suspended the right of the “RMG Gold” to conduct broad-scale works. 

The Georgian Young Lawyers’ Association (GYLA) is periodically informing the public of the issues surrounding Sakdrisi-Kachaghiani ; currently, we would like to inform the public of the following:
1. On January 6 of the ongoing year, the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources Protection of Georgia has publicized official information,  in which it noted that the license of the company “RMG Gold” on mining at the Sakdrisi-Kachaghiani territory is prolonged for five (5) more years. 
2. It is further important to note, that on December 23, 2014, the National Environmental Agency has declined the prolongation of the “RMG Gold” license, due to the absence of the proper legal mechanisms to once again postpone the entry into the force of another issued license. In turn, on December 29, the company once again submitted the statement and requested the prolongation of the license. As a result, as already mentioned, according to the official information publicized by the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources Protection of Georgia on January 6, 2015, the license of the “RMG Gold”, covering Sakdrisi-Kachaghiani was prolonged for five more years. 
3. The Ministry of Culture and Monument Protection of Georgia made a decision on December 31, 2014, under which it refused to consider the administrative complaint of the citizens K.K. and G.G. Under the submitted complaint, the citizens were requesting the Ministry to invalidate the decisions, according to which the National Agency for Cultural Heritage Preservation of Georgia has first stripped the Sakdrisi-Kachaghiani of its “cultural heritage site” status, while further issued consent for the “RMG Gold” to de-construct an archaeological object. 
4. Following the lengthy court dispute, GYLA obtained the information that the Chief Prosecutor’s Office of Georgia has initiated the investigation on February 14, 2014 relating to Sakdrisi-Kachaghiani under the Article 332 of the Criminal Code of Georgia, which relates to the abuse of the authority. 
Regarding Sakdrisi-Kachaghiani, we would like to further mention that in order to protect the lawful interests of K.K. and G.G., in the ongoing week, GYLA will appeal the illegal decisions of the Ministry of Culture and Monument Protection of Georgia and the National Agency for Cultural Heritage Preservation of Georgia at the Tbilisi City Court. Apart from that, GYLA will continue to actively inform the citizens of Georgia and the international community of the illegal actions undertaken against Sakdrisi-Kachaghiani. At the same time, in the nearest future, GYLA will publicize the new research, which relates to the developments evolving in the past few months around the oldest gold mine in the world - Sakdrisi-Kachaghiani. 

ჯ. კახიძის #15, თბილისი, საქართველო, 0102 ; ტელ: (995 32) 95 23 53; ფაქსი: (995 32) 92 32 11; ელ-ფოსტა:;
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