Working hours: Mon-Fri (10:00 - 18:00)

Georgian Young Lawyers’ Association and the International Society for Fair Elections and Democracy Filed in Court

Pursuant to the amendments made to the Law on 2013 Rebpublican Budget of Adjara Autonomous Republic, budget income of Adjara A/R was increased with GEL 14722700 (fourteen million seven hundred twenty-two thousand and seven hundred), including GEL 13 554 400 (thirteen million five hundred fifty-four thousand and four hundred) allocated for infrastructure and social projects.  

2013-07-30 04:50 See more

The Rule of Bonus Payment in Public Offices

Public officials’ remuneration is regarded one of the most important aspects for the functioning of public offices both in Georgia and elsewhere in the World. Issues such as effective fight against corruption in public office, attracting qualified candidates to government jobs, keeping public servants motivated and ensuring high quality of work performed are all linked with remuneration. Accordingly, improvement of the pay system must become a priority for any public office reform.  

2013-07-30 04:22 See more

GYLA Responds to the Draft Law on Suspending Foreclosures and Submits its Legal Opinion to Parliament

Draft amendments to the Law of Georgia on Enforcement Proceedings and the civil Code of Georgia are currently pending before the parliament of Georgia for consideration. The draft has been proposed by MP Gedevan Popkhadze and sponsored by 49 MPs. The draft law envisages suspension till February 1, 2014 of foreclosure of private homes of individuals with defaulted mortgage loans. 

2013-07-26 03:42 See more

GYLA Applies to the Chief Prosecutor of Georgia

Georgian Young Lawyers' Association applies to the Chief Prosecutor of Georgia about the case of Giorgi Gvichiani.     

2013-07-25 09:23 See more

GYLA Submitted to the Parliament its Opinion on Pending Amendments to the Code of Administrative Offences

The parliament of Georgia is considering a draft of amendments to the Code of Administrative Offences of Georgia. GYLA has submitted its written opinion on the following two Articles of the proposed draft:    Since the Soviet times, Article 171 has been prescribing administrative liability for being in public under the influence of alcohol or in a condition that offends human dignity and public moral. In the proposed formulation “under the influence of alcohol” has been deleted. GYLA believes that both the original formulation that dates back to 1984 and the proposed draft currently under consideration of the parliament are ambiguous, contradicting the principle of legal state in which law should stipulate actions allowed or prohibited in a clear and foreseeable manner; both existing and proposed formulation of Article 171 fail to do so. It provides a broad discretion for law enforcement authorities to decide what constitutes immoral behavior and apply restrictive measures against an individual concerned. Considering that offensive harassment, using a bad language and other similar actions are already qualified as violation, leaving an ambiguous stipulation in the law would be unjustified. 

2013-07-25 08:22 See more

Competition for future trainers (Training of Trainers)

Closing Date: 22 August 2013 Location : Tbilisi   The Council of Europe, in the framework of the European Union and Council of Europe Joint Programme “Strengthening the lawyers’ capacity for domestic application of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) and of the Revised European Social Charter (RESC)”, together with the Training Centre of the Georgian Bar Association, announces an open competition for the selection of future trainers of defence lawyers and human rights defenders.

2013-07-25 03:01 See more

Statement of Georgian Young Lawyers’ Association in Response to Press Conference Held at the Office of the Prosecutor on July 22

On July 22, 2012, during a press-conference held at the office of the prosecutor it was reported that the investigating authorities found no evidence that Mamuka Ivaniadze was subjected to pressure during questioning. This statement has been issued in response to the press-conference and other developments in the case of Mamuka Ivaniadze.  

2013-07-23 08:20 See more

Statement of Georgian Young Lawyers’ Association in response to Incidents in Zugdidi and Batumi

Georgian Young Lawyers’ Association expresses a concern over the July 20-21 incidents in Zugdidi and Batumi and calls on all parties of political process to say no to violence.    According to media reports, on July 29 there was an attempt to disrupt an event of the political union United National Movement (UNM) on July 20 in Zugdidi. The scheduled event was held amid a protest rally. Party leaders and delegates were verbally abused by citizens that had assembled outside, throwing rocks and bottles at them. One of the journalists was injured during the incident. The same day it was also reported that local population had been mobilized at the rally by local self-government authorities. Another one of the UNM’s primaries was held amid confrontation in Batumi on July 21. 

2013-07-22 05:20 See more

Statement about the possible postponement of enactment of the new procedures for witness examination

On July 4, 2013, the Government of Georgia submitted to the parliament of Georgia draft amendments to the Criminal Procedure Code, postponing the date for enactment of new procedures for witness examination to December 1, 2014. Until then, old procedures envisaged by the 1998 Criminal Procedure Code will apply.   

2013-07-15 03:36 See more

Court found beneficiary of GYLA’s legal aid not guilty

Lawyer from GYLA’s office in Tbilisi was providing legal aid to defendants Giorgi and Lasha Sozashvili in criminal proceedings concluded on July 12, 2013, by the verdict of not guilty delivered by Tbilisi City Court.  The defendants were charged with crime envisaged by para.2, Article 353 of the Criminal Code of Georgia – resisting a police officer or any other government representative to impede the protection of public order or terminate or change his/her activity, as well as coercing thereof into an explicitly unlawful action, perpetrated under violence or threat of violence, perpetrated by a group. 

2013-07-12 04:07 See more